
Which of these names are classic without being too common?

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I want a name that is classic and not at all unusual but I don't want it to be too common, which of these do you think? And more importantly which do you like?












  1. The good:

    Eva (gorgeous and not the craze right now like Ava is)

    Eliza (pretty and simple)

    Grace (normally a middle name, it's refreshing to see it as a first name)

    The bad:

    Gabriella (over used)

    Maria (VERY used middle name)

    Layla (overused with the Jaydens and Haydens)

    Constance (just ugly)

    Sofia/Sophia (very overused now)


    Eva Jayne or Eva Taylin

    Eliza Mae or Eliza Jay (my middle name)...could be Eliza Jacie

    Grace Lisette or Grace Taliah/Talulah

  2. I think Eliza works best, because the rest are either too common, or just not attractive (Constance).

  3. I personally like Grace and Layla the best. Very classic. However, many people are once again starting to name their baby girls Grace or Gracie so it's pretty common in children at this point in time.

    Layla however isn't as common, and I don't hear it being used as much as some of your other options i.e. Gabriella, Sofia, Grace.

    I like Layla a lot.  

  4. Grace is beatiful and brings to mind Grace Kelly.  Eliza on the other hand, brings to mind Eliza Doolittle, not good in my opinion.  Eva is nice. Gabriella is too masculine.  Maria is way too common - think of the entire latin world + Italy.  Layla sounds to me like is has to be said with a bad southern twang.  Constance is too boring. And I agree with the other comment of So"ph"ia - very sophisticated.  

  5. I love the name Sophia, and think the name Sophia Amber is lovely :)

    I also like Eva Marie

  6. I really like all of these choices but Grace is very common and Layla is becoming very popular too. They are all very classic names but think about what they will be shortened to and consider whther you would like that Constance will become Connie and Gabriella will undoubtedly become Gabby.

  7. i love sofia, but spelt sophia...i think it makes it more classic.  An Eva and Gabriella are beautiful too.

  8. Eva, and Sophia

  9. I love all the names you have listed and I think you should choose the name when the baby is born, assuming that is why you are asking, as you might be more guided by how she looks, behaves and feels

  10. Eliza, Katherine and Maria would be perfect. Katherine Maria sounds breathtaking and very, very elegant. I also love the name Eliza Grace. Best of luck to finding something you love.

  11. I believe that Eva or Gabriella, they are gorgeous.

  12. Sophia is getting a very common name, so is Grace,

  13. Constance is not common but it is ridicules.

    Gabriella is pretty and is not that common.  

  14. Eva Sofia sounds lovely,  If you name the baby Eliza you might let it face years of teasing because children do play with names and Eliza Dolittle will be a obvious one. Maria and katherine are very pretty also.  

  15. Constance. Maria. Eliza. and Eva

    but Katherine is a common name.

  16. I love Catherine with a C, I think spelling it with a K came into fashion as slightly more unusual but is no sooo common, especially spelled Kathryn. I think it's much prettier and less common spelled the classic way Catherine.

    I hate the name Grace, but I don't know why as most people love it and it's very classic - very common though.

    Eliza is fine, I prefer Elsie.

    Eva sounds a bit Japanese, what about Eve, or Evie short for Evangeline?

    Gabriella is a bit chav

    Maria is gorgee

    Layla is fine, not my favourite.

    Constance yuuk

    Sofia is gorgeous. I love it spelled Sophia as well but both lovely. Choose Sofia/Sophia or Catherine.

  17. Grace- beautiful name but quite popular

    Eliza- sorry but I do not like this name

    Eva- beautiful. Have only heard this once

    Gabriella- pretty

    Maria- sweet

    Layla- nice enough

    Constance- no way

    Sofia- hate that spelling. Prefer it Sophia

    My favourite is Eva or Even Evie

  18. Grace Eliza is very beautiful

  19. all are lovely but know loads of Eva, eves etc, maria is lovely and not at all common i love layla good luck

  20. Grace= its kinda common

    Eliza= i think that's a really pretty name

    Eva- that reminds me of an older person

    Maria= i like that for a middle name

    Layla-i think that's also pretty

    Constance=That's pretty but its a pretty long name imagine a little kid trying to spell that.

    Sofia- that is one of the names i want to name my daughter

    this is just my thought on all the names.

  21. Grace is classic but is becoming very common.  Although I love the name.

    Layla is classic but not too common.

    Eva is quite common but Sophia isn''s more Sophie that is common.

    All nice names though.

  22. Eliza Constance

    Eva Grace

    or Maria Grace

    Sofia is one of the top 10 most popular names of 2007

  23. I like Grace Eliza and Maria


    Adelaide ~ German ~ Noble; Kind

    Amelia ~ German ~ Work of the Lord

    Aoife (ee-fah) ~ Gaelic ~ Joyful

    Artemis ~ Greek ~ Gift of the Gods

    Audrey ~ German ~ Noble Strength

    Aurora ~ Latin ~ Dawn

    Avalon ~ Latin ~ Island

    Aveline ~ Old English ~ Bird

    Belle ~ French ~ Beautiful

    Bernadette ~ German ~ Bold as a Bear

    Caprice ~ Italian ~ Playful

    Cassandra ~ Greek ~ Inflaming Men with Love

    Catherine ~ Latin ~ Pure

    Cosette ~ Greek ~ Victory of the People

    Dahlia (doll-ya) ~ Scandinavian ~ from the Valley

    Daphne ~ Greek ~ Laurel Tree

    Delia ~ Latin ~ Daughter of the Sea

    Diana~ Greek ~ Divine

    Edie ~ Old English ~ Rich War

    Ella ~ Greek ~ Light

    Evangeline ~ Latin ~ Like an Angel

    Felicity ~ Latin ~ Happiness

    Ginger ~ Latin ~ Pure

    Honoria (on-OR-ee-a) ~ Latin ~ Honor

    Iseult (ee-solt) ~ Welsh ~ Fair One

    Isla ~ Scottish ~ Island

    Isobel ~ Scottish ~ Consecrated to God

    Isolde ~ Celtic ~ Beautiful

    Ithaca ~ Greek ~ Cheerfully True

    Jane ~ Hebrew ~ Gracious

    Joanna ~ Hebrew ~ God is Gracious

    Juliet ~ French ~ Soft-haired

    Leona ~ German ~ Brave as a Lioness

    Lexi ~ Greek ~ Protector of Men

    Libby ~ Hebrew ~ Oath to God

    Liesl (lee-sel) ~ German ~ God is Boutiful

    Lorelei ~ German ~ Alluring Song

    Lottie ~ French ~ Little

    Lydia ~ Greek ~ Maiden from Lydia

    Marian ~ Old English ~ Graceful Star of the Sea

    Matilda ~ German ~ Might

    Mercedes ~ Spanish ~ Mercies

    Michaela ~ Irish ~ Who is like God

    Monica ~ Greek ~ Solitary

    Nora ~ Greek~ Light

    Odette ~ French ~ Little Wealthy One

    Odilia ~ Anglo-Saxon ~ Little Wealthy One

    Paige ~ English ~ Young Child

    Phaedra (fay-drah) ~ Greek ~ Bright

    Rose ~ Latin ~ Unconcious Love

    Samantha ~ Armaic ~ She Who Listens

    Scholastica ~ Latin ~ She Who Learns

    Sophie ~ Greek ~ Wisdom

    Soleil (soh-lay) ~ French ~ The Sun

    Tabitha ~ Hebrew ~ Roe-Buck

    Thérèse (ter-ez) ~ Greek ~ One Who Harvests

    Twila ~ French ~ Twilight

    Veronica ~ Latin ~ True Image

    Veronique ~ French ~ True Image

    Violet ~ English ~ Modesty


  24. You have a lot of common, popular names on that list. But I like Gabriella, Sofia, and Eva anyway.

  25. I like all of them except for Constance and Sofia.

    I think the classiest ones are Eva, Eliza & Maria x

    Eva Marie.

    Eva Grace.

    Eliza Marie.

    Maria Grace.


  26. Grace - lovely but too common at the moment

    Eliza - very lovely and classic

    Eva - pretty, a little popular though

    Gabriella - lovely too, not too common but it is quite popular

    Maria - way too popular

    Layla - lovely, popular but not very

    Constance - lovely and classic, definately not popular

    Sofia - also way too popular

    Katherine - always a lovely choice, not over used at the moment either.

    my top 3

    1 - katherine eliza / eliza katherine

    2 - layla grace

    3 - constance eve

    good luck and congratulations

  27. My all time favorite is Grace, but I do feel it is a bit common. I like Eliza too.... also like it spelled Aliza. All a good batch of names though!

  28. i like Eliza and Sofia. a lot of the others are being overused. i don't like Constance.

  29. Gabriella, i think that ones the best uot of your list, beautiful name.

    I really quite like Eva sa well, not keen on Constance or Maria.

    Layla is quite unusual if you wanted somehting a bit more different.

  30. I adore the combination

    Sophia Grace

    Such a beautiful , classy name

    Eva is also beautiful

    But I like

    Eva Grace

    So simple yet Absolutely amazing


  31. I like the name Grace, but I think it's a little too common.

    I like Eliza. It's classic and very pretty. You could also call her Lizzy if you wanted to.

    I like Eva too, but it's definitely not my favorite.

    I love the name Gabriella.

    I'm not a fan of the name Maria.

    I'm also not a big fan of Layla

    I can't stand the name Constance, sorry, and I don't think it fits with what you want in a name (i'm judging from what you wrote)

    I like the name Sofia but I don't like it spelled that way. I think it should be spelled Sophia.

    Some suggestions:

    Eva Grace

    Gabriella Constance or Gabriella Maria

    Eliza Grace

    Sophia Grace or Sophia Eliza

    Grace Maria or Grace Sophia

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