
Which of these names are your favorites?

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My husband and I are having a baby and have chosen to not find out the s*x. We picked out several names for both boys and girls, but we have also chosen to not share these with our very opinionated familes in hopes in not creating conflicts. So we need a sounding board . . . YOU!

We like these for boys:

Zane Malcolm

Enzil Alexander

Bruce Eli

And we like these for girls:

Piper Ann

Gillian Rae

Phoebe Mae

Which are good? Which make you cringe? And why?

Thanks for your feedback!




  1. i dont like Zane.  its has a creepy sound to it.  Enzil doesnt sound like a name to me, it sounds like some kind of medication.  Bruce reminds me of a fat hoosier.  Piper was the name of our family dog, but i like the name.  its cute.  Gillian is ok.  and i like Phoebe Mae.  i think thats the best one.

  2. Cringe-




  3. Don't name your baby boy enzil- it sounds like a medication! And piper ann?? That's kinda weird. I would go with Phoebe Mae and Bruce Eli

  4. I love Zane Alexander...good strong masculine name.

    I like Piper Rae.

    Enzil is weird. I like Gillian as Jillian.

  5. i like enzil alexander and pheobe mae the best the one i didn't like is bruce and zane  they just don't sound good to my ears

  6. i like zane malcolm because it's different and unique  

  7. I actually love the name Zane. Zain is another nice way of spelling it.

    For the girls, I like Gillian Rae, but prefer the spelling with a J. Either way, it still sounds cute. I really don't like the name Phoebe though.

  8. Don't be mad at me for chopping at the boys' names, but I like several of the names individually, but not the combinaations.  ZANE ALEXANDER sounds adorable to me.  It works on a child (saying it 1,000,000 times a day), as a professional (Z. Alexander, Zane A., Z.A.), and he can actually grow old with it (Mr. Zane, Uncle Z.).

    I really like GILLIAN RAE and PIPER RAE.  Those are just really cool and interesting.  The first name flows well with the middle name.

  9. Maybe Phoebe Ann would be nice?  I LOVE Zane Malcolm!  It's really cool and cute :)

  10. Enzil Alexander - too many odd letters, and enzil sounds like pencil

    Bruce Eli - I like this, would normally not like Bruce, but it has a nice ring to it with the middle name.

    Piper Ann - sounds like a little kid book/movie character (it is one, isn't it?)

    Gillian Rae - Giligans Island - NO!

    Phoebe Mae - I like Mae, but Pheobe is getting to be a popular name so there might be a bunch in school with. Also, I don't like it becuase it reminds me of the show "friends" and she was so stupid. Sounds like a blonde airhead name. Don't take offense, its just one person's opinion.

  11. I like Zane, but not Malcolm for a middle name. Try Zane Alexander.

    I like Piper Ann, but she may be teased in school. I really like Phoebe Mae, though.

  12. Hi

    What a blessing a baby is, congratulations and all the best.

    Now for my opinion, for a boy definitely Zane Malcolm.  For a girl, now this is harder but I would go with Phoebe Mae!

    Good Luck!

  13. I like Piper Ann, Enzil Alexander sounds like a really unique name (They'll never be confused with another kid!)

  14. I vote for:

    Zane Malcolm

    Piper Ann or Pheobe Mae

  15. Zane and Enzil make me cringe! why? i just hate the sound of them. esp. Enzil.

    Malcolm is okay. Alexander is cute, Bruce is very masculine, too masculine for me, but it's not bad. Eli is cute.

    Piper Ann...ehhh. i love Piper, but Ann is common, and a bit boring for a fun name like Piper.

    Gillian Rae- i LOVE this name spelled Gillian or Jillian! i like Rae too, but im biased as Rae is my Great Granny's middle name.

    Pheobe is too cute! i love it. but paired w/Mae and it sounds too country.

  16. I think that Gillian Rae is gorgeous, with a J or a G. Zane is great too. What makes me cringe is Enzil. That sounds like a disease or something no offense.  

  17. I like Enzil Alexander and Gillian Rae best.

  18. I like Zane Malcolm and Piper Ann the best.  The only one that really made me cringe is Enzil.  It just sounds like some sort of erectile dysfunction medication.

  19. Zane Malcom and Phoebe Mae. I don't hate the others but these two are my faves.

  20. Zane is a really cool name for a boy! It is something you don't hear very much.

    For a girl, I think Gillian Rae is a very pretty name. It's soo unique and lovely!

  21. Phoebe for the girl how about Phoebe Megan?

    i like the boys not my taste but nice still.

    good luck and congrats :)

  22. I like Zane Malcolm for a boy...actually, flip it, I like Malcolm Zane. Bruce Eli isn't too bad. Enzil will be mispronouced by almost every teacher he has growing up, you you want to think about that.

    I like Gillian Rae or Phoebe Mae. I'm not a big fan of the name Piper. I know a lot of people are starting to use it, but it just sounds like a name that can be easily made fun of. (Piper Piper, the butt wiper!; Flush it down your Piper, *itch; etc.)

  23. zane malcom and phoebe mae are my favourites don't know why but they just stand out to me :)

  24. I like Zane Malcolm and Gillian Rae

  25. I like Zane Malcolm, and Phoebe Mae. I don't know they sound cute, especially Phoebe, I always liked that name =)

  26. I like them all except Enzil and Phoebe. Bruce is kind of old, but one of my neighbors has a 4-year old named Bruce.

  27. Boys: I like Zane. Don't do enzil or bruce it's kinda tacky.

    Girls: I like Gillian but not piper or phoebe. It's pretty common.


  28. Zane is best but I like it as Zane Alexander instead of Malcolm and I dont care for any of the girls names.  They remind me of Gilligans Island and Charmed

  29. i love the name zane and malcolm kind of goes with it.

    i also like eli but not bruce. bruce just sounds not like a baby.

    piper ann is good. and i also like gillian but with j. phoebe will always make me think ditzy because of friends. sorry:)

  30. Boys:

    Zane Malcolm--I LOVE this name!  Perfect name!  

    Enzil Alexander--I like the Denzel-type name...  My second fave

    Bruce Eli--Don't like it. But that is probably because I don't like my aunt's husband, whose name is Bruce


    Piper Ann--Don't like it--reminds me of a stuck-up girl!

    Gillian Rae--Interesting name, I like it

    Phoebe Mae--Cute name!  My favorite!

  31. zane malcolm sounds like he is a little crazy, enzil sounds like a herb, and i like bruce it is more suttle and eli is outhere but a nice out there.

    piper ann sounds like weird

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