
Which of these people is more likely to succeed in their weight loss goal short term or long term?

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Person A has a weight loss goal of at least forty pounds to drop him into the 140-150 pound range. On Monday, he wants to start on a structured diet program (weight watchers, etc). He will not eat treats, and he will only drink diet soda and water. He has lost weight on these diet programs before without exercise, so he is not stressing over fitness at this point.

Person B wants to loose somewhere between 40 and 60 pounds in order to weigh closer to 120 pounds. She is aiming towards the 60 pound or greater point, but she is not trying to weigh much less than 120 pounds. She has tried going on diets, but finds the structured diets are hard to stick to. On Monday, she is going to stop drinking sodas and Slurpees and keep her mug filled with water at all times. The following Monday, she will start playing her Wii Sports and wearing her pedometer. The Monday after she will start increasing her vegetable intake. Each week, she will add something new. The week after the vegetables, she may start to keep track of steps on her pedometer, or add mild jogging into her walks.

Who is most likely to succeed?

Person A: A male with a smaller weight loss goal who has successfully lost weight before. Has only goal to loose weight.

Person B: A female with a larger weight loss goal who is making very small changes instead of going at weight loss full-force. Has never successfully lost a large amount of weight. Goals include dropping clothing sizes, running one full mile (can barely run now), and touching toes when bent over.

Who is most likely to be successful? Who will loose the weight first? Who will keep it off longer? When both reach their goals, who will most likely be healthier and in better shape?

What are the positives and negatives to their plans?




  1. i think person b will succeed first because she seems like she has a balanced diet and starving yourself wont do anything cause instead of losing fat u lose glycogen and water. at first u will loose some weight which is the water and glycogen but our bodies need those and finally after u lost most glycogen and water u will lose fat but only as a warning to ur brain that it is depleted and ur body wont survive long. and once u eat a big meal after that u will gain all that back cause u get the glycogen and water back immediately. with a balanced diet and EXERCISES at least 30 min. a day ur body starts making more capillaries which transfer fat over to the muscles where they can be burned in the mitochondria. after a while the mitochondria will split so u can burn more fat for energy. If person b keeps that up then she will get guaranteed results. she could start eating more treats or other non diet foods as long as she can burn all the fat and protein and carbs and calories. UR BODY NEEDS EXERCISE TO BURN FAT FASTER!!  and thats ur science lesson for today.

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