
Which of these photos do you think looks the nicest?

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I know that the two that I softened are probably a little over messed with but I was playing around and I like them. any way I was wondering which one is the best. also any advice one what I should do differently? I'm trying to make a hobby out of photography.




  1. The second one

  2. the second one looks nice..

  3. i like the second one!!

  4. I think the second one looks really pretty

  5. either the second or the third

  6. 2 less white out the better

  7. the one without any boreder or blur. its natural and beautiful

  8. id say the third one its more clear of a pic

  9. the first one has a better border cuz it helps acsent the flower in the picture

  10. My favorite has to be the third one

  11. i liked the second one.because of the special frame which u have provided

  12. The first one and the third one are both very adorable!  I don't really like the second one, but that's just my opinion.  Have fun with your hobby!

  13. the 3rd it show what the day was and you can remember more.

  14. I like the second picture best!

  15. I like the third one best, her dress is a great contrast to the background.  Adorable little girl too.

  16. The Third One, but the other two had potential so keep working on it, it might be a matter of finding a different picture.  

    Very cute by the way.

  17. The third one primarily because its clear, the first had way to much blur around the edges and I didnt like the second as much because I thought it looked a little "eaten" around the edges.

    I think rather than just using effects around the edge from your computer, try to play with different compositions when you are taking photos eg. use a polarising lense, or play with the light and make up of what is in the pic rather than added on effects.

  18. Personally, i like the third one the best, its lovely and natural. The only thing i would do differently, would have your daughters face not so covered by the flower, so have her face a little more to the left.  

  19. i like the third. i dont really like those frames that people sometimes add onto their photos. i think a simple high quality photo is really pretty and can be powerful.

  20. 2nd one is my favorite.

    If you go with the 3rd one, crop it to have your daughter centered in the middle of the adorable picture:)

  21. Definitely the second one.

    The third one is too whited out.  

  22. The last one. Leave it alone, but crop it along the left edge of the left-most tree, and at the corner of the house. That will remove the major distractions and tighten up the photo nicely.

  23. I think the last one without the blur effect is best, the others look kinda cheesy with the blur!  

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