
Which of these quotes is the most fitting?

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I'm a skydiver and need a good quote for a piece I'm doing. (A collage of clips and other stuff.) So far I've found 3 that I like. The only problem is that they're all so different! Which do you think is the most fitting?

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller

"We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake." Marie B. Ray

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once." William Shakespeare




  1. I like the third one. Not to offend anybody, but wouldn't it be really ironic to quote Helen Keller in a skydiving collage? No lie, hand to God, I was at Davis and Elkins College, and they had a river rafting pamphlet with that same Keller Quote. It blew my mind. I just had this image of her whitewater rafting. Shame on me.

  2. the first one is simple and sweet you should choose that one.

  3. I love them all. If you could find a way to incorporate more than one that would be great!

    The important thing is to pick a quote that you love that is meaningful to you. If you aren't sure then don't settle. Search the web a bit and find that quote that just pops out at you! The one that gives you goosebumps when you relate it to yourself is the right one.

    Good luck! : )

  4. I really like the second one.  If you really want something with great imagery that will POP I'd say pick that one.  However, the first one does seem to fit skydiving a lot better.  Nothing about that is questionable as to how it relates to the subject, while the others are a bit iffy (they're still fabulous quotes). If people weren't being biased about the sources of the quote, then I think they's all might think that the quote "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" could've actually been said by someone who loves skydiving :)

  5. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller

  6. They're all wonderful, but the second's imagery is out of this world. Shakespeare takes a while to sink in and the first is a bit mundane.

  7. Star in hand.    I never did understand the Helen Keller one.

  8. "If at first you don't much for skydiving".

    Henny Youngman

    "The sky isn't falling".

    Thomas Leonard

    "Women hold up half the sky".

    Mao Tse Tung

    "I have woven a parachute out of everything broken".

    William Stafford

    (of the ones you chose I like the first one best)

  9. hiye!!!

    i actually love all of them but my fav out of those have to be....

    "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once." William Shakespeare

    i like this one quote too that might fit in to your piece nicely...

    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

    good luck with your finished product!!


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