
Which of these sax brands are the best ?

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selmer,yamaha,or keilwerth

is keilwerth good ?





  2. I've never heard of keilwerth.

    But Yamaha is good as far as I know.

    Both of our school's bari's are Yamaha 52s and they've been played for the past 15 years...

    They still work, but we take them to the shop for something every 3 months or so.  Usually just leaks...

    And I think most of the alto plays I know use Yamaha.

    I don't really know much about Selmer saxes.

  3. The Yahama is usally durable.

    Selmer makes a great tenor, but it depends what level you are looking for and if you play alto, bari, tenor or soprano

  4. It would be hard to say which is best because each brand has several models ... if you compare their professional models you'll still have a toss up.  The best thing to do if you're going to buy one is to go to a store and try them out and see which one suits your playing style the best.

    Plus you should always try before you buy, because you don't want to pay several thousands for a lemon.

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