
Which of these seven is the most self-destructive character trait/sin?

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  1. I think the the most self destructive of the seven is Lust,you can lust for just about anything from a cream cake( gluttony), for money(greed)or for anything else, including something owned by others(envy)of respect of others(pride) you can lust for revenge(wrath),but I'm not quite sure about sloth.

  2. I'd have to say sloth,

    I'm not just talking about being to lazy to try

    I'm talking about being to slow to react

    too slow to realise something incredibly important

    too slow to see the hurt

    too slow to make a change

    too slow to apologize

    that's mine anyway

  3. Pride. Even if you are not a Christian, take time to read the chapter called The Great Sin from the book by Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Very logical and informative. You'll find your answer in that chapter.

  4. I'm gonna say pride because it makes you feel entitled to the others you mentioned.

  5. always want more...

  6. Hard to go against CS Lewis but i'll go with Greed. The Love of Money is the root of all evil...  

  7. One needs to FIRST understand WHAT are the 7 Most Deadly Sins.  

    Pride, Avarice/Greed, Envy, Wrath/Anger, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth.

    By the way the order above is the ORDER from least to worst.

  8. wrath, it has a victim

  9. Obviously greed. Aren't lucifer has already claim that it was his favorite sin?

  10. Pride could give you a concussion, take away your ability to think, thus rendering you childlike and useless.  It could also take away your life.

    Wrath likewise could ruin your life.

  11. The answer has to be that it depends on the person,how heavily they carry the trait, and on their environment,current life and goals.E.g. it could be that for me the most destructive trait has been sloth, since it has resulted in my studies in the university progressing significantly slowly and me feeling worthless.

  12. Gluttony, because it causes disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and eye problems. (as far as a sin....?)

  13. Envy/jealousy is the most powerful self destructive force.

    It is the cause of most wars: I want your resources/land/position/wealth and will take it by force

    It is the cause of most crime: I want what you've got (your woman to rape; your money to mug you for; your lifestyle to embezzle)

    It is the cause of most violence & murder between couples.

  14. It's got to be pride.  The others can be dealt with with therapy of one kind or another, but pride doesn't go away.  Even if you go to therapy, to work on your pride, it's "Hey, look at me, I'm going to therapy!" - that's pride.  It never goes away.

  15. Pride: it's the one sin you just can't beat.

  16. Greed, because greed corrupts and absolute greed corrupts absolutely. Greed is like being thirsty when the only type of water to drink is salt water. The more you drink the thirstier you are (because of the salt in the water. Therefore, the further you are from being satisfied.

  17. Wrath is hasa bottomless spiral of  hate.

  18. I'm going to say envy. Envy will turn a person's sense of everything upside down. People go crazy because of it.

  19. The most SELF-destructive is definately Gluttony..cuz you get fat and die at age 30...thats pretty self destructive. All the others, you can live quite a long time.

  20. Your question is like asking which of the clauses in the US Constitution is more important than all the other clauses.  Or which civil right is more important than all the others.  Or what ideal is more important than all the others.

    The facts are that any positive or negative anything can be more important only in a temporary moment but over all they are all equally important.

    Your question also demonstrates the futility of basing a moral or religious system on a set of rules.  If you put in place a set of rules there will always be something you neglected to include or a refinement of interpretation what later becomes necessary to add.  There is no most important thing to avoid or do in our lives.  Everything moves and changes as we live our lives.

  21. Pride, or more precisely hubris is the most self-destructive. In almost every tragedy the main character shows some form of overwhelming pride, which eventually leads to his downfall.  By always thinking you are right, you will push away others and ignore the signs of disaster, because you never think it will happen to you.

    Greed may be the most destructive overall, as it destroys other people along with the greedy, but Pride is the most self destructive

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