
Which of these species of cranberries is best to treat a UTI?

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-Vaccinium oxycoccos or Oxycoccos palustris (Common Cranberry or Northern Cranberry)

-Vaccinium microcarpum or Oxycoccos microcarpus (Small Cranberry)

-Vaccinium macrocarpon or Oxycoccos macrocarpus (Large cranberry, American Cranberry, Bearberry)

-Vaccinium erythrocarpum or Oxycoccos erythrocarpus (Southern Mountain Cranberry)




  1. I chased UTI for 25 years, tried carnberries, used antiobotics, and finally found the best results from "EsterC" 500 mg, a ph buffered Vitamin C.   Available at any health food store, or drug store, or maybe even in your local grocery store. With the onset of symptoms, take two tablets, then two later in the day. Two the next morning and you will be in great shape.

  2. Well, all species of Cranberry have D-Mannose and other constituents that help with urinary tract and kidney health (including to help make the urine more acidic)... that's why they help with UTIs. So any Cranberry species will offer a very minimal difference as far as how well they treat UTIs... none will completely outshine the others.

  3. You know, it's never been proven that cranberries can treat a UTI.  It has only been proven that cranberries can help prevent one and help shorten the length of infection.

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