
Which of these statements best describes your beliefs about UFO sightings & Extra-Terrestrials?

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A. Extra-Terrestrials have visited Earth, either landing on Earth, or coming close enough in a spacecraft to be seen by humans.


B. Extra-Terrestrials have never visited Earth in any way, shape or form. All UFO sightings in history could be explained by something other than by suggesting that aliens have visited Earth.

Which of the above do you believe to be true?




  1. LOL B

    If the life out there is intelligent enough to build space ships, the will also be intelligent enough to know to stay away from our stupid evolutionary failure

  2. a

  3. A.  I believe that ETs have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.  Try doing an image search for UFO ancient art.  Some of these are clearly of UFOs.

  4. A.Because there had been so many sightings and incidents that they cant be fake.E.g the tunguska ev3nt.Scientists still cant find an explaination for that

  5. The answer is clearly A. At this point, those who don't realize that aliens are here en masse have mental illness, or a deep seated fear of the truth, at the very least, they have an astonishingly poor grasp of the world they live in. Granted, the implications of aliens being here, not to mention abducting people by the millions, are frightening, even terrifying, but the truth often is.

    But the aliens have been here in large numbers since 1947, so we have had sixty years to get used to the idea. It is time to move on to the next level of the discussion.

    Time to start asking questions like: Where are they from? What do they want? Why are they here? How many different races of aliens are here? Is it true there are warring factions of aliens? Which races are benevolent? which aliens are malevolent? Have they lied to us? How do we know they are telling the truth? Can they really read our minds? Can they really paralyze us with their minds? Can they really cover our memories of abduction so we cant remember? How come some people remember their abductions? Why don't they go public? Why don't they stay more hidden? How long have they been coming here? Is it true many ancient texts are talking about aliens? What role did any alien race play in our development? Are some aliens interdimensional, rather than interstellar? How can we stop them? Is it true that at Dulce, New Mexico, our special forces fought against aliens that were working with our government in underground bases, and the aliens wiped us out without breaking a sweat? Is it true that the reptilian aliens eat people, including their souls? Is it true that the greys turn people into a soupy liquid, and soak in it, absorbing our nutrients dermally, since they have no aulimentary canal? Is it true that our leaders; kings, tsars, presidents, are descended from the hybrid nephilim ?

    These are the questions, and believe me, the answers are astounding. If you're not ready for each of those questions, you'd better get ready fast.

    Understanding that it is aliens in those flying saucers and mile-wide triangle ships is only the first step in understanding what is really going on .

  6. i will go with A

  7. ummmm. i'm more with the B. and besides, aliens were created by the astronomers who looked at mars. they thought there were man-made canals and sparked the alien controversy. the army used the ''aliens'' to cover up technology on world war 2. so it's not real....

  8. You're taking a grey issue and trying to paint it black and white.  That doesn't work.  

    We don't KNOW if extra-terrestrials have visited earth.  They may have, they may not have, they may not even exist.  

    We DO know that MOST UFO sightings are subsequently explained.  

    So, I would tend toward answer B, but I realize that I am merely human and don't know everything, and that evidence could emerge one way or the other at some point in the future.  


    To Weirdproto below:  Scientists DO have an EXPLANATION for the tunguska event (a large asteroid or meteor exploding in mid-air), they just haven't found the EVIDENCE for the explanation yet (i.e. fragments of the object, impact craters in the area).  However, scientists think that Lake Cheko might fill an impact crater.  For an in-depth article, check out the source below.  

    ~2nd edit~  

    To Kay T below:  I did the google image search for "ufo ancient art" as you suggested.  It's not proof of extra-terrestrials.  Think about it.  We have a LOT of people today, in this day and age, with our current technology, who look in the sky and have no idea what they're seeing.  People even report the planet Venus as a UFO.  So, the fact that ancients didn't understand everything they saw in the sky, and painted pictures about it, really isn't proof of anything at all.

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