
Which of these surgical removals of healthy tissues makes sense?

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Removal of a baby's toenails to prevent fungal infections.

Extraction of healthy teeth to prevent caries.

Removal of a healthy appendix to prevent appendicitis.

Removal of healthy tonsils to avoid tonsillitis.

Mastectomy of healthy b*****s to prevent breast cancer.

Circumcision of a baby's healthy f******n to prevent penile infections.

TO ME, they all have the same false logic. What do you think?




  1. None of them


  2. They are all equally invalid.

    How about this one?    

    Parents don't like the way a f******n looks, so they can have it removed on that basis.       What if they don't like the way a baby's nose, fingers, toes or ears look?      Does appearance alone give them the right to amputate body parts?

    What about female circumcision of minors?      Certainly it would be cleaner to remove the clitoral hood, and portions of the labia.   It would leave less crevices to trap smegma (yes, females produce it, too) bacteria-----oh, but it's mutilation and illegal!!    Yet helpless male infants are mutilated by the thousands because some misguided individuals just think that "it looks better."  And so doctors can make money from it, many of whom are biased because they belong to the religions that try to force this practice on others.

    How about equal protection for males under the law?    This is clearly sexist and unconstitutional.

    Doctors don't even give full disclosure about the risks and complications of this "surgical procedure" which, even after millions of them have been done, don't have any standards.     Medical students frequently perform these;  no wonder so many of them are botched!

    Look at some of the videos of male genital mutilation aka circumcision on the internet.     Cruel, vicious torture.      Oh, but "he won't remember the pain."     Animals are treated better than this in the USA.

    Where are medical ethics?    I guess that it's okay to violate the rights of the majority of male infants because of a couple of minority religions that want to mutilate infants.       But what about the "religious rights" of those wanting to perpetrate female circumcision?    

    Female circumcision is clearly wrong, it's clearly mutilation, and should be illegal.     There is no difference with male genital mutilation.

    This should be illegal, also.

  3. People will continue to do what they want to do. Most will follow their doctor's advice over their friends and family. This probably will never change regardless of our us as individuals think. Logic is not always logical for everyone.

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