
Which of these things will come true in the 2008-09 NHL season?

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1. Mats Sundin and Peter Forsberg will marry and never be seen or heard from again... but both of them will still remain on the front page of TSN.COM all year!

2. Jim Balsillie will buy a team from the KHL and relocate them in Canada!

3. Brendan Morrow will beg Brett Hull to trade Avery by Thanksgiving citing irreconcilliable differences in formal evening wear.

4. Marian Hossa will score 50 goals in 50 games with the Wings. He will then demand to be traded to the Tampa Bay Lightning for a chance at the CUP, citing their record of 41-3-1

5. Sidney Crosby will hurt his other ankle and miss most of the season. He travels with the team and becomes head coach when Therrien is fired. When he returns to the ice he becomes the first player coach in decades. The PENS get swept by Philly in the first round!

6. The Toronto Maple Leaf fans swarm the OTPF offices holding them hostage for 4 weeks until they finally agree to sell the team. The team is sold to BOOTS Delbaggio from a loan he receives from the OTPF and he defaults in the loan so the OTPF ends up receiving the team back.

7. Atlanta Thrashers file for Bankruptcy and the team is relocated to Mexico City, Mexico. Millions of illegal immigrants start crossing back into Mexico where its finally learned that the Mexicans only came to the USA to watch hockey.

8. Chris Pronger is offered to go into space with Richard Branson for free... Branson leaves him at the Space Station citing he is a SHARKS fan. Pronger uses the escape capsule to leave the Space Station landing in Russia and is picked up by the Russian mafia where is forced to play for Magnatagorsk Lokomotiv.

9. Chris Chelios signs a 7 yr 49million contract extension with the WINGS after finally scoring a hat trick in a game. Ken Holland claims that there is more left in Cheli! PS- Cheli plays all of the contract out and averages 60 points a season.

10. Tom Glavine, realizing his Baseball career is over signs 10 yr contract with the Atlanta (bankrupting them, as stated in previous post) he refuses to move to Mexico City so he is traded to Tampa to play FORWARD... like you expected anything else?




  1. 11 handsdown!!!!

    *#*#*#*#...Aztec wins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. Chris Drury dissapointed w/the offseason the Rangers are having deciedes to pursue a baseball career replacing Manny Ramirez as the Red Sox starting left fielder where he'll go on a tearbelting 62HRs in 2months to break Roger Maris' AL record

    Unfortunetly Renney tries to convince Drury to come back but he refuses leading the Red Sox to a World Series Victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates.

    Renney angry at Drury for breaching contract shrinks himself down injectinmg himself into Drury's bloodstream and flowing up to Drury's brain. Once there he takes a pill to return to normal size exploding Drury's skull bone and thus rendering his body into a pink mist. The Sox aware of how ineffective he'll be trade Drury to the Minnnesota Vikings for Brett Favre who promtly wins MVP the nest season for the Sox

  3. These are all very funny, but I will go with my own.

    Brian Burke's dream comes true when he gets his own reality show. Nothing but his fat head talking for an hour, and him looking for his name in newspapers.  The show gets canceled for obvious reasons, but he insists it was Kevin Lowe's fault, he also blames Lowe for high  gas prices and takes him to court.

  4. #8 for sure!!!   BOOOOOO!!!!

    Pronger, what a joke.

  5. 1. I see that happening.

    2. He will relocate to Cleveland actually. Silly balls!

    3. Watch and laugh as Morrow is the one that gets traded.

    4. Actually, he will get 60 in 50.

    5. More then likely lol.

    6. LOL what?

    7. Watch it Nips, then the NHL will have competition from the MHL and KHL.

    8. I can only hope that happens.

    9. It will happen, just you wait!

    10. Him and Brett Favre will be on the same team then!

    11. It will happen.

  6. Honestly? I can see all of them coming true.

  7. None of them will happen

  8. 1.

  9. That's pretty funny stuff. Boo Crosby!

  10. LOL...definitely not option 4....Hossa might have passed on a lot of money but he isn't retarded...Detroit will be keeping the cup for awhile!!

  11. Dude have you been out drinking with Haley today?

    you seem to have a slight delusion going on

  12. All of them... but 6. I like 7 that is the best. Mexican are probabley crazy hockey fans and when #5 happens they throw their tacos in the air and scream Adios Amigo

  13. 3 seems like the only one that could happen.  7 wouldn't surprise me.

    Aztec with #12 gets it.

  14. This is obviously not based in reality since you have the Flyers sweeping the Pens, but #2 is definitely my favorite.  Balsillie is persistent if nothing else.

  15. 2. Silly Balls might actually have a chance.

    6. Funny

    4. Tampa loses in game 7 on a penalty shot that Hossa misses against the Wings.

  16. None of yours but: All NHL fans will final realize that the best player in the NHL is Sidney Crosby when he nets 45 goals and scores 155 total points and wins the scoring title and the Eastern Conf. Although i dont think they can win the Cup this year. i do think this is going to happen

    Sids Ankle > Philly in the first round  

  17. I'm liking #7 :]

  18. Or: 12. Dude you're such a loser!

  19. Gary Bettman and Sidney Crosby will come out and hold a press conference discussing their relationship and assuring all NHL fans that this will not affect the way the league is run in any way.

    Chris Pronger jumps on a player and kills him during the 3rd period.  This will warrant a 3 game suspension.

  20. 11. The New York Rangers win the stanley cup.

  21. Actually I can see number 8 happening. I would love to see Pronger blasted off into space. I would go with Branson to help kick Pronger to the space station if asked. Playing for the KHL Pronger will finally be a happy camper. I want to see that happen

  22. 1. Only if Gary Newsom in SF allows the 2 to marry.

    2. Nope he has at least 2 other teams in the south he can go after.

    3. Are you sure Mondano won't punch Avery face before he asks for Avery to be traded for sleeping with his wife Willa Ford? Note Avery has dated hot Hollywood celeb's before!!

    4. No I bet Hossa get 1 year contracts at least 7 mill until he wins at least 2 cups.

    5. I think so but who says it has to be just his ankle that breaks? Maybe a fibula, tibula. Tear an acl!!!

    6. or Jim Balsillie buys them and keeps them in Toronto since there is no need now to move a team into Canada.

    7. Mexicans in Atl? Very very small amount. In AZ some of the legal ones and some of the indians are now becoming season ticket holders.

    8. Nope I bet Pronger is dumb enough to find Uranus only to see that Uranus isn't a dark hole after all.

    9. If he's on vigara than yes!!

    10. Nope, I bet he goes back to LA the team that drafted him if i'm not mistaken.

    11. Only if he wants to be the Mike D'Anotoni of the NHL

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