
Which of these two Presidents were the worst, in your opinion?

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Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush




  1. It all depends on how the Federal Reserve acted when they were president.

    Carter-- Fed raised interest rates to put a stop to inflation.  This lead to 20% interest rates.  OPEC put an embargo on the US.  Horrible oil prices.  Jobless rate rose... stagflation.  Fed chairman Volcker made the country suffer, but it was for good cause.  He got inflation under control and made America financially sound again... temporarily.

    Bush--Fed has kept interest rates artificially low so as to stimulate the economy even though inflation has skyrocketed.  (M3 money supply isn't reported at this time).  They have increased loans to banks and banks have also looked to Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong for bailouts.  Unfortunately their low interest rates haven't worked for consumers.  Banks are getting better rates but consumers are still getting that 6% or so.  

    In my opinion, it is worse under Bush, but we don't realize it just yet.  When the Fed's party is over, it's going to hurt.  When we realize how many of our assets are owned by foreign governments and corporations, we will shudder.  


    Unfortunately, people like Swampy don't realize that we have a Federal Reserve and that they act completely independent of the government.  They also set the prime interest rates.  They also control inflation.  Carter was a scapegoat which can be clearly seen in these answers.

  2. Jimmy Carter didn't ignore his terrorist commission and have them quit in protest like Bush did just a couple of months before 9/11.  And then, Carter didn't go to war with a country that didn't attack ours at a cost of 10 to 12 billion dollars a month.  By far, Bush has outgrown the government, and outspent every former President.  Carter was a humanitarian.  Bush - is a bully.

  3. George W. Bush obviously

    (My display name has nothing to do with President Carter, it's just my name)

  4. George Bush.  He pooped all over our economy, sent us into iraq, played the guitar during hurricane katrina, was more interested in some stupid childrens story, than 9-11 attacks, and wasted all our money.  

  5. Both of these former presidents had their good things and bad.  It seems their rating went down when each of them couldn't solve the problem of their day.

    They were both one term presidents.  Jimmy Carter for the hostages in the Mid-east.  Thing was he worked day and night until almost the end of his term to get them released.

    Bush #1 lost the American people's trust with the Gulf War which led to his one term.

    Both of these presidents seem to have done many great things after they were out of office.  Jimmy Carter with Habitah for Humanity and George Bush for his work in over seas realtions and peace conferences.

  6. Jimmy Carter, double digit inflation, double digit prime rates, high fuel prices and shortages, 50 americans hostages sitting in Iran for a year, a real recession and no jobs. The state of the country even though at the bottom of a cycle is still much better than under Carter.

  7. Bush, by a mile.

    Carter was ineffective.  Bush was actively bad.  

  8. Bush. Sorry, but I can't go anywhere on a Friday night thanks to him. Gas is too expensive and I don't have the money to pay for it.  

  9. Jimmy Carter

  10. In my opinion, it is too early to say. Bush bashing aside, we won't really know how good or bad Bush is until about 20 to 40 years from now, when more information about his administration's activities gets declassified.

    What we can compare is how the country has fared during the two administrations. In this comparison I think the country was worse off economically, politically and socially by the end of Carter's term.

  11. It was obviously Jimmy Carter........

  12. C'mon at least a few more choices. I guess Jimmy. Unfortuneately the youngsters will rant about Bush because they didn't know Jimmy

  13. James Buchanan.  

  14. Carter.

  15. If you were alive during the Carter administration you'd realize how foolish that question is.

  16. it took a long time to undo carters stupidity,he gets my vote,and please if you were not alive then dont comment,all teachers are liberal these daysl

  17. Carter, by far.  On balance, BUsh 43 is better than average.

  18. Jimmy. I don't think any one misses closed gas stations or 3 hour waits because he thought we were running out of fuel 30 years ago

  19. Carter

  20. Jimmy Carter if it wasn't for Regan we would be in and even worse economic crisis than we are now.

  21. Carter

  22. It doesn't really matter because the President has little to do with running the country. The whole thing (elections etc.) is just to give the impression that we have choices an can affect the system of government. Politics have become very complicated, subversive and deceitful.

  23. jimmy carter

    carter = barack = taxman

    top 1% of taxpayers, those who earn above $388,806, paid 40% of all income taxes in 2006, the highest share in at least 40 years. The top 10% in income, those earning more than $108,904, paid 71%. Barack Obama says he's going to cut taxes for those at the bottom, but that's also going to be a challenge because Americans with an income below the median paid a record low 2.9% of all income taxes, while the top 50% paid 97.1%. Perhaps he thinks half the country should pay all the taxes to support the other half.

  24. jimmy

  25. While Carter is not my favorite, I have to say the worst is GW Bush.  I liked him very much after 9/11 as did most of the country.  He had an 80% approval rating.  However, soon after, rather than use the global support he had and the great sentiment here in the U.S., he squandered it away.  He could have been one of our greatest.

    He has stripped the constitution and has actually increased the size of government rather than make it smaller. He took us to war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.  He took a budget surplus and has wasted it all away and created a giant deficit.

  26. Due to his subversion of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, there is no debate:  George W. Bush.

  27. Carter was, at worst, ineffective.  Although he did broker a mideast peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

    Bush on the other hand has been actively divisive, had problems with cronyism, etc. and had arguably made mideast peace less likely.

  28. Jimmy Carter, but Obama admires him so much, he wants to do it all over again.

  29. carter! The economy according to the Wall Street Journal has not actually gotten worse. Those who think it has, just believe in Obama and his nonfactual statements.  The U.S. output has expanded faster than in most advanced economies since 2000. -

    President Bush will leave to his successor an economy 19% larger than the one he inherited from President Clinton. This U.S. expansion compares with 14% by France, 13% by Japan and just 8% by Italy and Germany over the same period.

    The U.S. unemployment rate averaged 4.7% from 2001-2007. This compares with a 5.2% average rate during President Clinton's term of office, and is well below the euro zone average of 8.3% since 2000.

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