
Which of these two makes American citizens makes you sickest? Hillary or OJ?

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Which of these two makes American citizens makes you sickest? Hillary or OJ?




  1. Toss up.

  2. Are they really American citizens? Well both of them make me sick to my stomach.

  3. OJ the murdering freak

  4. Neither!  Al Franken ranks very high for being the biggest moron.

  5. d**k Cheney's daughter is way more sickening than Hillary

    d**k Cheney is way more sickening than O.J.

  6. Obviously the woman beating murderer  O J Simpson.................................... Clinton will be the next President of the U.S.  America fall in line and vote Hillary....OJ is more than deplorabe and he is psychotic...

  7. The question and most of the answers here are really silly.  Doesn't take much to get a neocon acting absurdly foolish.

  8. Yes.....

  9. Tie at best! Both are guilty slobs still in the spotlight craving attention their mamas never gave them! And both have trails of deaths behind them! Yuck!

  10. Neither because their not killing our soliders, sending them into unnecessary war, messing up our health insurance, and disrupting our government. The answer should be BUSH. Which one? BOTH

  11. Hillary...  she's married to the man who sold State secrets to get re-elected.

    O.J., the best he could do is hide the money

  12. Ridiculous comparison..O.J. is slime.  Hillary is a competent U.S. Senator and will be the next President of the United States.

  13. Hillary.  

    OJ's not trying to force the government down my throat.

  14. You forgot Rosie O'Donnell!!  All three are equally nauseating in the own special way. lol

  15. Hilary

    she is the only woman who's husband cheated on her and she is gonna get the white house as a i'm sorry present

  16. Hilliary, god knows how many she has killed.

  17. Hillary!

    O.J. is just a pathetic criminal that only effects people he know. Hillary will effect us all if she is (God forbid) elected.

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