
Which of these two views—the atheist view or the religious view— is correct? ?

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atheists...are grounded in empiricism and reason alone

religious...say that empiricism and reason are good...but can't grasp all of reality because we are creatures limited by our 5 sense...

atheists say there is no life after death because there is no proof...

religious people say they believe there is life after death...despite they can't find proof...because they don't poses all knowledge...




  1. Modern science will soon prove the religious view right and the atheist view wrong by proving that the God Yahweh exists through mistranslated scripture in The Bible.

  2. There is NO scientific PROOF either way. No proof of God's existence - No proof He doesn't. It is a matter of faith! Notice that atheists say they do not BELIEVE in any God. There is logic and reason on both sides. Some Christians have said things that should embarrass them. Some atheists have too. We don't all have the same amount of knowledge. We don't all have the same I.Q.. Both sides have people that think the other side is incorrect. We ALL believe some things that aren't true sometimes. Even intelligent people do and say stupid  things from time to time. The only sense to coming here is if someone says something that is not "FACTUAL" you can offer the correct facts. There are very few sincere questions here. You have to really think about what you read in this forum. Many times the "question" is really a statemnet. You should really find a way to verify statements made here. You have to understand that most don't mean to tell a lie, it's just that they are so emotionally involved that they "think" their opinion is fact. To further complicate things, even when you have "facts" there are different conclusions about what they mean. But somebody's POSITION - believe in God or not, is a choice based in "faith". Atheists INSIST on having proof. And yet, without proof that God does not exist, they don't believe in Him.

  3. umm no, wrong wrong wrong.   You are generalizing both groups who both have greatly varied beliefs.  I personally am athiest agnostic.  I believe that i dont know what happens after death, and i believe that no one else knows either.  I dont believe in a god but im not saying there is not a god.  I believe that neither side REALLY knows the truth so they both just need to calm down and chill out.  especially the ones that get violent towards people who propose something different from their own beliefs.

  4. atheists: are all theory's and no proof either.

    Religious people: are just dumb.

    Christians: at least we have a book that has recorded you believe it is up to you. Jesus did live.  

  5. bet on the lord jesus christ because your in a win win situation.if the christian is wrong he has lost nothing. if the atheist is wrong he has lost everything.

  6. God made the universe and all the people in it, why wouldn;t there be life after death.  Plus the Bible says that no one can even imagine how wonderful it will be once we get there!  Why don't people that have near death experiences not want to come back to life?  They are no longer afraid of dying.  They saw and felt the beauty of it all!  

    Trust God, he loves you and will be there for you when you need him...a great comfort!  You need to just need to confess your sins to him and believe Jesus died on the cross for those sins (because none of us are perfect) so we could go to heaven.  

  7. If the evidence for God is beyond the five senses, (i.e. not a part of the physical world,) then how is it any better than the idea that invisible pink winged hamsters fly out of your a**s and watch over you?

  8. We'll know when we die.

  9. For the first part, we are not limited to our five human senses; Many of our scientific instruments work in areas that our senses are blind to, and all that they have found is that there is no god, nor any need for one, be it  jehovah, B'aal, Wotan, or Zeus. So, that Special Pleading on the part of the religious fails.

    For the 2nd part, if theists don't have the knowledge, then their claims that are *unsupported by evidence* are not just meaningless, but are actual LIES. There is no good *reason* to believe ignorant liars.  

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