
Which of these two wrestling moves is more overrated?

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Out of these two moves, which one gets too much attention:



Which one IYO is more overrated and why? "None", "Neither", or a different move won't get Best Answer.




  1. The RKO is overrated, it is not as good as the Diamond Cutter. The Spear when it is done by Rhyno, Batista or Bill Goldgerg is a great move. When it is done by Edge, it takes on a new level of greatness. Anyone who saw the Tables, Ladders and Chairs Matches and swas Edge do a spear in mid-air and the most recent h**l In-A-Cell Match with Edge vs. the Undertaker and saw Edge spear the Undertaker and one wall of the h**l In A Cell broke open has seen the Master of the Spear.  

  2. RKO, Those Orton fans always say the FU doesnt hurt but their favorite wrestlers move is like holding a guys head and throwing it on the ground. it does NO DAMAGE to the opponent because your arms protecting him. you actually get more damage to yourself. now the FU is a weak and crappy move (i admit) but it at least has some minimum damage if you fall on your back you will receive some pain. the spear can be strong if done right. cracking someones back in half has to hurt.

    Judge Says : RKO

    hey bowker get your facts straight RKO is not just used by orton, Its used by DDP and its not even called the RKO there are been plenty of people im sure that have used it BEFORE ortonshows how much knowledge some people have.

  3. for a move that doesn't take too much skill, but does take timing, the RKO for sure, i mean you always here the announcers saying "Randy could hit the RKO at any point in the match!" but it can get reversed, and avoided pretty easily by some superstars

  4. RKO is overrated.

    A lot of people seem to to think that it's the best move since the Stone Cold Stunner, when it's just a Diamond Cutter performed by Orton.

    I think Orton also has more fans who tend to hype the move up more, which in my view is more overrated than the spear.

    A lot of wrestlers like Batista, Lashley, Goldberg etc have used the spear, so it's not that special anymore.

  5. The spear.  Outside of TNA, I've rarely seen a cutter used as a basic non-finish move, whereas I've seen plenty of people utilize the spear as a simple running grapple.  I actually like both moves when utilized properly though.  Both can come out of nowhere, and both are somewhat impressive, but if I had to choose one to consider the more overrated and played out, it would be the Spear.

  6. In my opinion, i think that the RKO is more overrated than the Spear. think about it for a second, i know that the application of the RKO means that you are planting the opponents head into the ground, but in my mind the spear is way more devastating because when executed perfectly, it can become one of those "one and done" type moves. if i had to chose one of those maneuvers to be hit with, for me, it would be the RKO because if it takes my opponent time to crawl over and pin me i think that would give me the opportunity to gather myself correctly and muster up enough strength to kick out from it where as with the spear, especially how Goldberg did it, i think that i would be down for a very long time.


  7. spear definetely rko is a good move

  8. i think the spear is overratdeed cuz like almost alot of people use it and thats all  

  9. RKO defenetly.

    i mean the Spear hurts, but still most people kick out from it.

    how rarely does Edge end the match with a spear?

    and Goldberg did the jackhammer after it..

    but the RKO, just watch:

    all the other have to do is learn to fall on Orton's hand ..that's it.

    so it might hurt the haw a little, but nothing more i think..



    notice DT, u said the "rko", not a cutter

  10. Spear

    lots of people used and have used that

    like john cenas FU wich is just a death vally driver

    RKO is only used by orton

    so Spear is an overated move.... only RHINO makes that move seem good  

  11. FU

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