
Which of these warplanes you think the best according to their abilities?

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On the Internet I found the best aircraft set up in different parts of the world clarifying that specialize in aerial combat

The F-35 JSF, united kingdom -

F-21 "Steal"

F - 22 raptor-UNITED STATES




According to your opinion Cual es exceeding maneuver and capabilities vuello attack and the other




  1. euro fighter its in a nice colour

  2. How can any war plane be "good"

    You are insane, man

  3. the euro fighter it is by far the most agile and has an outstanding flight envelope with the added weapons it will be the best in any dog fight

  4. The F-22. The F-35 is not a UK fighter its being built in co-operation with about a dozen countries, mainly financed by America, as usual... The F-21 wasnt that great, Sukhoi was an underfunded program, and the Eurofighter comes in a strong second.

  5. Currently, the Eurofighter, as it's the only one of those in service. It's super-agile and can actually dogfight at supersonic speeds.

  6. F-22 is the top aircraft,It was designed to replace the F-15, as an air superoirity fighter, and  that is why their export is restricted /prohibited by the US. Where the JSF-35 was a multi-role developed to fullfill the role of the current Harrier Jump Jet and F-18 for the marines and Navy of the US and our allies .And is second to the F22 in air to air roles, but surpasses the f22 in air-ground missions.

    The F-22 is a Air superior fighter, with super sonic cabablites and stealth, making it better than any other aircraft listed. None of the other aircraft have stealth technology to the level of the F22. The only drawback for the F22 is the amount of weapons that it can carry.

  7. I'd say the Eurofighter, mainly based on its supreme agility.

    The Raptor may be capable of higher speeds I think the Eurofighter would go unbeaten in a dogfight. x.

  8. euro fighter

    because it was on top gear

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