
Which of these women do you think was the best role model and why? Princess Diana...Mother Theresa...?

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Which of these women do you think was the best role model and why? Princess Diana...Mother Theresa...?




  1. well they were great role models in their own way, so yes, i would say both

  2. Princess Diana was the best role model because although she was rich, she cared about the poor.  Mother Teresa also did good things but i mean, any woman could become a nun and do good things aswell whereas, diana was unique since she was a princess, beautiful, a fashion icon, a humanitarian, down to earth. How many women today carry all those qualities?

  3. princess D : role model for all woman who want to die with their boy friends

    mother theresa: role models for all humans who want to die while serving humanity.

  4. I don't think either of them were particularly good role models for others, except that they both lived the lives they wanted.

    While it's true that both had a share of sadness in their lives, that is just life isn't it ~ no-one misses out on some sadnesses.

    How you feel they dealt with the difficulties they encountered is where to draw the lesson from, I guess.

    "Choose your own path" is perhaps the best message from both of these well known women.

    Cheers :-)

  5. None of them when you check carefully. One lived in the slums of Calcutta - and it does not get filthier than that.

    The other was an adulteress who got killed in a car crash. What is to choose.

  6. Diana was more of a role model. Although she was rich and royal, she still cared about normal people or the forgotten people in today's world, whiles mother teresa was simply an old nun who dedicated her life to the poor. So although diana had maintained her celebrity status, she still cared for the poor, sick and needy. Anybody who does not see her like that is simply ignorant. And what is it with people talking rubbish about how nobody noticed when mother teresa died because diana had died in the same weak. Diana was young, famous, had two young son's and touched the lives of so many people so of course people's minds were on diana not some old nun.

  7. The  whole  Diana   thing  is    just  so phony  it  would  be laughable     but  for the   tragedy of her    death.       Wealthy  women   have   often    cultivated their   public image   by   getting into  "do-gooding",   so that   people will  say "Ohhh,   she's   a rich woman, but  look  how    kind  and good  she is."       Plus,  by the  time  Diana   and Charles   were  divorced,   Diana   had  become  waaaaaaay    to   comfortable  with  her   life of luxury,  pampering  and   public   attention, and  she had    no  intention  at  all  to  "ride  off into the sunset".    She  wanted that life to continue,  and  the  way to do that  was  to   get herself   associated  with "good  causes".    What the heck  did  she have  to  do  herself?       She  only had to  announce  that she  wanted to go to this or that   part of the world  and  Bingo, a  whole   army  of  servants,   public officials  and   ladies in waiting   went  scurrying    to  make it happen.      She   never had  to so much  as  pack a  bag, or  book her own   air  passage lol.     Her   wardrobe personnel   planned  her   outfits,   and   rounded  up  all  the   "tools"  necessary  to keep her   primped,  manicured  and coiffed  up to the eyeballs   everywhere  she  went, so that   not one  hair would be  out of place  for the  photogs.     She   was   nothing   but   a  fabricated image  for  the   insatiable   public  who   wanted  to somehow   keep  alive   the  "fairy princess"  myth,  and  be a  vicarious part of   it all   by   following  her   daily life  through  the  tabloids  and on television.          If  you  cannot   be  a princess  and live  the life of  wealth and privilege,    well, you  can  darn  sure    hitch  your  waggon   to   the  myth,   and  religiously   watch your   daily  episodes of  this particular  Royal Soap  Opera.

              Do  not kid  yourself.   Diana   was  no  "poor, helpless  little  thing,  badly   treated  by the Royal  Family   and  rejected   by a   callous   husband".     She  may have  been  a  very young,  overly-protected,  half-educated   airhead  when she    was  first  pushed  into   this  "arranged marriage"  with a  prince   who   was being   bullied to  get with the program and  start producing some heirs  for the throne.     But, boy,   she   caught on  fast   to    the kind of power  she   was pulling  in   as a  result of   a  starry-eyed  public,   who,    when  the   fairytale marriage  went  south,   were  desperate   to somehow  keep  the  fairy  story  alive  along  with their  fairy princess.           Diana  basked in  the publicity,    and   she  was only  too happy  to  play her role   in keeping   those  Soap  Opera   Episodes coming.     It  was simply  a positive side  effect of her  celebrity  that  she   was able to  draw  attention to  some  things in the world  that  needed   public   support.       But  to  even  mention in the  same breath,   HER superficial personal involvement    with   the  "dirt and the  grime and the misery   and  the  nastiness"    as compared  to   the lifelong, quiet,   fully  hands-on   total  dedication of    the  saintly  and  amazing   Mother Theresa,  is  the most    gross  and outrageous   injustice  to   reality.

               The  public   was never interested in Diana  playing  at being a  "do-gooder"      They  wanted  Diana  the  fairy  princess.  Diana  the  fashionplate.   Diana,  the  physical  representation of   everything  the  flustered  overworked  housewife could only    to  go to bed and    dream of being,   or    got  her   daily fix of   daydreaming   from    tabloid   pictures,   glossy magazines,  and   the   usual   dose  of  television   reportage.

                  Did  anyone  ever   see    the  saintly Mother Theresa  followed    around  by anybody  with   a  powder puff in one hand  and  a  comb in the other,   to make  absolutely sure  that   she  never got her picture  taken  with a  shiney nose  or   a  strand of hair out of  place?   h**l no.   Mother  Theresa   was  no   "fantasy image"   She  was    real,   and her  life   was  totally  dedicated  to the   work that  she  did.     If  the  general public   had  ever been interested  in  Diana's   participation  in   the  "do-good"   department,   why  were they  not    as   anxious to follow  the  life  and the  activities  of Mother Theresa?      Well,   gee, good question.     She   was  a tiny  shrivelled, poor  little  ole  woman  with a   wrinkled   face  and simple   cotton  garments.   Nobody  would  ever   go to bed   and  dream of  being  a  Mother  Theresa, now would they?    So  there you have it.       Now you know  where the     pubic's   true  fascination   ever  lay.   Diana    was somebody   everybody  wanted    to   "have  a piece of"    because  she  represented  wealth,  glamor  and    status.   As  far  as I am concerned,  that  really lays  the  beans on the  table,   as  my    daddy    would have  said.

  8. Not to be rude but no one looks up to old nun's as role models no matter what good they have done so there is no point comparing the two.

  9. There's a reason Mother Theresa is on the path to sainthood.

    If you want to take the religion out of it, consider Clara Barton. While Princess Diana had many fine qualities, I don't think she was on a par with Mother Theresa or Clara Barton.

  10. Well if you asked any little girl she will obviously pick the young beautiful princess over an old nun.

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