
Which of these would you do if you caught a couple having public s*x...?

by  |  earlier

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1 Freeze and stare like a deer caught in headlights?

2.walk away in discuss.

3. try to join in someway somehow.

4 call them a couple of pervs and call the police.





  1. I'd yell at them. I know that's really mean but it's really rude of them to have s*x in public. And I don't think I should have to come across that.  

  2. Watch then walk away laughing

  3. I used to live in a crowded apartment building and one day my neighbors were having s*x, right there, with the windows open right in front of where everybody parks their bicycles. Not sure if that was intentional but needless to say I freaked out and ran away.

  4. Probably #1...or I'd just start hysterically laughing.

  5. I would do nothing. Maybe watch for a little while. I've seen worse things in public than two people having s*x.  

  6. I will take my phone cam and then add on porno sites...)))

  7. 1 and ;laugh!

    That actually happened to me before!  I was at the beach last year with about 5 of my friends and we saw this guy and girl doing it in every position possible lol!  We stopped what we were doing, watched and laughed!

    And after we finished we all yelled "OnCORE!" lol!  The guy laughed and waved and the girl smiled embrassingly.  I am sure they had just met lol!

  8. Number 2 for sure, I would walk a way, but i don't think in a disgusted way.

  9. 1 or 2.

  10. 1. Freeze and stare like a deer caught in headlights

    then laugh  

  11. 5. allrigh mate enjoying yourself, gd for you.

  12. lol number 3 ooohhh oooh pick me!!!

  13. i would probably just stop and watch and enjoy the show, same as I would if I came across a couple of people engaged in any other fun and exciting activity

  14. I would walk away but not in discuss.  If that is what makes them happy it would not surprise me but that does not mean I want to join in.

  15. Brad and Angelina - 1

    Danny De Vito and Roseanne Barr - 2

    Josh Duhamel and Stacey Ferguson - 3

    George Michael and Pee Wee Herman - 4

  16. i'd probably start clapping and cheering; with a big smile!

  17. Now that would be very awkward and embarrassing to the couple... Nowadays that would be impossible to happen to me, I haven learned to be careful with that kind of situations, since it has happened to me. Now, back to your question, if I caught a couple doing it, I would probably just walk away as embarrassed as them. Of course, if it was people I knew, then i'd probably run and pretend I didn't see a thing. Denial, denial, that's what I am best at. ;)

  18. I would just walk away and let them be not discussed but just simple pass right on by.

  19. No. 2, did you mean disgust,,,,I don't know who I would discuss it

    I wouldn't do 4, or 2, or 3, so I guess that leaves 1.  But I'm pretty easy going and nothing shocks me, if there was a 5, see them, have a chuckle, smile and keep going, that would be me.

  20. Walk away, not in disgust, and let them get on with it in peace.

    Not quite the answer you're looking for, but the correct one for me anyway.

  21. None of the above - I'd probably enjoy the show for a brief moment, wish I was them, and move on.

  22. number 1 for sure

    id be really shocked that i saw some ppl having s*x in public

  23. if the couple is hot, i would try number 3.

    if the couple is FUGLY i would do number 2.

    but i think that honestly i would be scared of getting some STD or something, so i would most likely do number 1

  24. 1 for a few seconds, then number 3. If they say get away then number 4. and then it would be number 2 because I would be mad that they did not let me join. So I say all 4

  25. My first reaction  would be number 2. I would probably be disgusted. But i might not be able to move my feet and stare. so that would be number 1. haha.

  26. I'd want to number 2, but I'd probably do number 1.

  27. Well Number 2... They need to live a little!!! lol

  28. watch hen walk away

  29. oh and by the way disgust is spelled d-i-s-g-u-s-t not discuss. to discuss means to talk things over with someone.

  30. I would probably freeze and stare like a deer caught in headlights. I tend to do that every time I see something off the wall.

  31. I would look away and let them do their thing!

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