
Which of these young talented players will go on to have the best career?

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Hanley rameriz

Dan Uggla

Brian McCann

Jay Bruce

Evan Longoria

Jair Jurrjens

Conor Jackson




  1. in order:








  2. Hanley Ramirez

    I don't know how you could say anyone else

    1. He's had the best career so far

    2. He runs AND hits for power

    3. He plays SS

    He needs to clean up his fielding but other than that he's the best on the list and will be a consistent 30/30 threat

  3. Ramirez edges out Longoria, but not by much. If Hanley Ramirez was on a team with a higher On-Base % overall, he would generate more runs. Also, in the current rookie/minor league crop, shortstops are the weaker position in allmost all offensive and defensive categories.

  4. 1. Hanley Ramirez - Promising talent...he is a 5 tool player who has the potential to be better than Alex Rodriguez, He has speed, power, hits for average, and has a great fielding arm. All of these factors more than likely result in a great career.

    2. Evan Longoria - He is also a promising young man, He is lacking a little in the speed category but he can put up great power numbers and also is an amazing talent at 3rd base. He will be among the top 3rd basemen for years to come.

    3. Conor Jackson - Hardly any body knows this guy because he plays in Arizona (a Westt Coast team) He is one of the best 3rd basemen and is versatile (able to play left field also). He has respectable speed and hits for a high average (well over .300 this year) If he can continue putting up these kind of numbers, he will make many All Star appearances and capture the attention of Baseball Nation.

    4. Dan Uggla - His average is a little down this year but he can be one of the more legitimate power hitters for years to come. Dan Uggla is a great 2nd baseman (dont let the All Star game fool you) and if he works on getting his average up, he can be a great player.

    5. Jair Jurrjens - He has the potential to be a maybe 2 or 3 pitchers in a good rotation. He has a good changeup and a good command. Dont be surprised if he makes a few All Star appearances in his career.

    6.Jay Bruce - He is a great player with some speed and power...I think everybody saw what he can do at the beginning of his MLB career even though he has dropped off a little bit since...I expect him to hit around .280 during his career and make his fair share of All Star appearances

    7. Dont let this 7 ranking fool you, He is a great talent for the Braves and has the potential to be the best catcher in the NL Although he doesnt hit for that much power or speed, he can hit for average and can hit great in the middle of the lineup. Expect for All Star appearances from this guy.

    All of these young men have potential for promising careers and I look forward to see them show their stuff on the diamond.

    EDIT -Meant to say Conor Jackson is 1st baseman

  5. I would definitely say Hanley Ramirez.  He is a great power hitter and is really fast.  He will soon be a 40/40 player.

  6. Evan Longoria just has it all Power , good defense and a nice arm

  7. Jair Jurrjens i think he will go on to win a few cy young and have about 200-250 wins

  8. It is a tie between Ramirez and Longoria.

    Ramirez- a five-tool gem, he can hit for a high average with power and also burn up the bases. Can even flash impressive skills at the shortstop position.

    Uggla-  his power comes at the expense of plate discipline, and he's not an ideal No. 2 hitter. Is also not a great defensive second baseman.

    McCann- Gets run on far too easily. Needs a lot of work on his throwing and timing. A slow baserunner.

    Bruce-Needs to be able to handle the pressures of being a much-ballyhooed position player prospect. Is still an inconsistent defender in the outfield.

    Longoria-Has the potential to be one of the game's best all-around performers at the hot corner. Is a power hitter that can also maintain a solid batting average.

    Jurrgens- Has a slight build that makes him a bit of a wear-and-tear risk.

    Jackson-  For a first baseman he doesn't flash a lot of raw power. His glove is not an asset, and Jackson is a non-factor on the basepaths.

  9. I am a Marlin fan, and I know that nobody will pick Uggla, because after the all-star game everybody thinks he sucks... not the case, he plays great defense has one of the best fielding percentages.. other than that I will say my answer lol

    Bruce or Hanley...

    Saw a lot of Jay Bruce when the Reds were down here.... I WANT HIM ON MY TEAM... Jay always hit the ball hard... and played alright out in the outfield, although he does have some to learn...

    (funny story, he played a fly ball terribly but still managed to  come up with the ball but Griffey just looked over at him shook his head and laughed... it was funny.)

    Hanley is Hanley... nuff said...

  10. Evan Longoria but put David wright up he's so good

  11. Hanley Ramirez

    Evan Longoria

    Dan Uggla

    Dustin Pedroia (Why isn't he included in this?)

  12. Hanley Ramirez

    Just wondering why Geovany Soto isn't on your list.

  13. Evan longoria

  14. Longoria -- better than average offensively AND defensively.  He's a 5 tool guy.  

    Ramirez, great numbers offensively but defense?

    Both will have good careers but Longoria's defense gives him the nod.

  15. Just gonna go with Hanley Ramirez.  All of them do have bright futures, but Han Ram have already shown that he can be a 5 tooled player.  He can go 40/40 while batting .300 in his future.  

    Uggla to me is looking a lil like hes gonna be an Adam Dunn or an Andruw Jones(of 4 years ago).

    McCann is great, his hitting will turn into an Victor Martinez like.

    Jay Bruce-good start to his career, but have tailed off a bit since.  But i get the feeling he'll be reeiving a lotta starts for the Reds, so we'll see.

    Longoria- 30-40 home run 3rd baseman in his future

    Jair Jurrjens-can become an elite pitcher.  

    Conor Jackson- We'll have to wait on Conor.  adrian gonzalez-esche.

  16. Glen Perkins

  17. I'm going to go with Hanley Ramirez has already been proven to be a solid lead off guy if he could work on defense he would be up their with the best in baseball. Also, I think he needs to work on driving runs in by being placed in the third or fourth spot.

  18. Longoria and Ramirez. Ramirez has the added benefit of speed, while Longoria should put up better power numbers. Of the others, the only one who may put up great numbers is Bruce.

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