
Which of your sins would you like to sell, and why? How much should I pay for them?

by  |  earlier

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  1. My Mommy says I'm a sinless angel...

  2. Last week, I dipped Mr. Snugglebuttons, my beloved pet hamster, into a vat of frosting, just so I could l**k it all off of  him.

    He seemed to be enjoying it, so I did it again, and again, and freaking again.

    After about 4 or 6 hours, I noticed he had stopped breathing.

    *dabs eye with a tissue*

    That should be worth about $10, don't you think?

  3. Is self-loathing a sin??? I have plenty of it. I hope it has a reasonable value.

  4. lol...i would sell NOTHING, They are all on earth for a purpose...Not for stupid people to use others for smart people to use...i use the ones for the smart folks.

  5. Your glasses don't suit your face.

  6. How can anyone sell a sin? Do you even know what a sin is?

  7. I can't tell you that, but I sure would like to get rid of it

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