
Which one, bike or exercise bike?

by Guest61449  |  earlier

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My dad might buy me a bike or an exercise fitness bike (no wheels). It is to exercise my hips and legs. What is better and why?




  1. Hello!

    I am 18 andI do both spinning and outdoor road cycling and they each have their advantages and disadvantages.

    Road Bikes - These are a lot of fun. it takes a while to get used to riding on the road with traffic but if you have a proper friend or group, you will be safe. You have to learn the rules of cycling in a group and all the signals and their meaning. After you know these, you will have plenty of fun on the road. If you enjoy moving and speed and if you have a nice scenery where you ride, you will feel extremely good. Additionally this is a very social group and it is guaranteed that you will make many new friends.

    Fitness-wise, this is great. No indoor cycling could compare to the toughness of riding uphill or the effect of the wind while you ride. Your strength will definitely improve if you ride right.Depending on where you ride though, there might be some interruptions caused by the traffic.

    The problem comes when the weather is bad. Riding in the rain is extremely dangerous and in the cold, it burns. Also if you are living in a busy town, it is also dangerous.

    Exercise Bike - you have lots of freedom in terms of workout types. You don't have to worry about the traffic and you could go various speeds without thinking about the dangers. There are less chances of getting distracted. There is also the fact that you can ride anytime including at night or early morning depending on your schedule. The feel of a real bike is lost with the machines but it is easier to ride. Also, keep in mind that sometimes machines could cost more than the bike but factors such as quality and brand play a huge part of it.

    Those are some things to think about. Both work out your hip flexors and legs. I personally prefer a road bike but luckily in Miami,Fl the environments allows for it. I almost forgot to include that there is this device called a trainer that you could get. What this does is make a regular road bike turn into a stationary bike. I own one and I find it better than the real stationary bikes. I will give you a link to where you could buy one below. Buying a decent bike for about $400-$800 and paying not more than $200 for a trainer (not roller) may be better in the sense that you can go outdoors or indoors when you'd like.

    I hope I helped and enjoy your cycling =)


  2. In my opinion, I think a bike is better because it's a lot more fun rather than an exercise fitness bike. You can actually go some place with it and enjoy the scenery rather than sit in the house all day. Go outside and enjoy yourself.

    Hope i helped!


  3. Exercise bike

  4. Exercise bike because you can use any time and in any weather so that you can keep your work out schedule.

  5. Most serious cyclists use a regular bike on a trainer.   Have the best of both worlds.   You can get both for what a decent indoor bike would cost.  

  6. tell him to buy you a regular bike because then when you go over different terrain your leg mussels form better

  7. exercise bike-cuz come winter, you wont be using that bike as often as you'd like...

  8. I think the only reason exercise fitness may be better is because you can use it in the winter and/or in the rain where as the regular bike you may not be able to.

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