
Which one are you known as? Answer! :]

by  |  earlier

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what r u known as in ur group of 'friends'. ill give u an example :]

i'm known as the unpredictable one of the group or the odd one :] lol! my friend emily is known as the tomboy of the group. my friend ashley is known as the smart one lol..

put ur signs 2??

aquarius w/ leo rising

tell me about u




  1. the mysterious cancer of good life and unexpectations

  2. i'm the mysterious one, and the unique one my sign is a scorpio

  3. Same as you. [sign]

    I'm known as the sensitive, helpful one, but with a wild side! :)

  4. I'm the serious, perfectionous.


  5. Im known as the funny one who is good at doing impressions and im also known as the guy who loves the New York Mets. Im a scorpio.

  6. I'm the creative one with different ideas...


  7. I'm the creative, nice one. I would normally say I'm the quiet one, but one of my other friends takes the cake on that one, lol.

    I'm a pisces

  8. I'm known as the smart one, also the chatty one.=) I'm also very straightforward, don't like to play games. It's funny because people have different views on me, and I like it when they keep on guessing.

    Libra, Pisces rising

  9. I'm the psychotic crazy one. My friends don't even know how to take me I'm so unpredictable. They say I'm crazy because I appear calm and "normal", but I'm the complete opposite. I enjoy throwing and destroying things when I'm mad, but I'm really tolerant of others views and "flaws". Open to anything...comfortable with anything s*x related.

  10. I'm a gemini. I am the funny one in the crowd. I'm the one trying to keep the conversation light hearted.,, and up-beat.  I enjoy gardening, crocheting, computer games,,,reading,,,, etc. I am married to a scorpio. We are total opposites. He is messy, and smart, and witty and I tend to be joking around, but I have a serious side too....

    Hope this helps you.

  11. Two faced, Gemini, the twin

  12. I'm known as the awkard prep :P and my friend is the w***e.

    I'm sagittarius btw.

  13. I'm known as the sarcastic, impulsive and blunt one.

    Also the one who isn't afraid to get in someone's face if I'm mad.

    I'm known as the one who doesn't like to randomly cause trouble or scream obscene things in random neighborhoods(you would understand if you've met my friends lol) and I'm usually the most hyper.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  14. Im known as the odd one in my group...the really odd one

    my sign is cancer and im 14

  15. The smart, b!tchy one mostly.

    But I'm also known for a softer side if you catch me in the right mood. <3

    And my Cancerian son thinks I'm his servant.. =)~

  16. I'm known as the spontaneous one. I'm never in one place too long. I laugh at anything and everything. Always making new Ideas for us to hang out, people seem to consider me "too lively". Everyone's a friend to me, unless they cross me. That's when all the fun-lovingness is gone. I would always stick up for my friends, and most people know it. I can  always make my friends laugh, which makes me quite happy

    Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising

  17. i'm known as the loud-mouth, say-it-like-it-is, always-in-a-fight girl who will fiercely protect her friends to the death. lol

    one of my best friends is a pisces, and if anyone ever dares hurts her, i will be there....and they wont know what hit them.

    i'm very protective, and i'm usually the one my friends confide in, simply because i know when to keep my mouth shut (^_^)

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  18. I'm the lovable weirdo of the group, the female Kramer dare I say, hence the name..rofl.

  19. i'm also known as the unpredictable one, and the encyclopedia . . . my friends always say im not one to mess with, my temper is soo badd . . . i blame it on my mars in gemini in 8th, they also call me the joker, i loove cracing up jokes :@, my bf described me as being fair and caring, i never judge anyone by looking at them, i like making friends with people from all walks of life . . .he also said im wierd and says it like it is

  20. well in my GANG! im known as the trustable and chatty one

  21. Fun! :) I'm the girly, advice giving one who gets on my friends nerves A LOT. My BFF's the smart unpredictable one.  

    Capricorn w/ Leo Rising

  22. I'm the hefty funny guy.... I think

  23. Scorpio

    I'm the hilarious, crazy one of the group even though i'm an A/A- student, My friend Eva is the smart one, my friend Anfisa is the flirtatious one, and my friend Rachel is the tomboy

  24. I am known as the quiet but practical one, the smart in English.

    I am a Taurean.

  25. Scorpio but have no idea who's rising.

    I'm the 'smart' one.

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