
Which one are you???

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Are you against abortion? or Do you encourage abortion?





  1. i am AGAINST abortion. I don't believe that people should have one b/c it's a life their taking. If someone happens to come across an unwanted pregnancy, i suggest that they have it and give it up for abortion.

  2. It really depends. To me, I just think it's straight out okay with abortion.

    I think it's right for a woman to choose the fate of her child. I would say abortions are only allowed during a certain time period when the fetus isn't big.

    I always think of a situation a woman can possibly be in: What if she was raped? Wouldn't it be better off getting rid of the child - when the child grew up knowing that his/her father was a rapist? It'll lead both mother and child in distress; which I find highly unfair.

    But when people are put in other situations such as: a woman gets pregnant with her husband/boyfriend/etc and decides to not have it when it was her responsibility is when I think abortions are wrong.

    To me, I still hold nothing to it. I think abortions are okay. It's the person who's holding out the abortion should be the one responsible, not authority.  

  3. Abortions are for convenience. No child is simply a convenience, they are a person. Thank your mother for being against abortion.
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