
Which one do you believe in Creationism or Evolutionism??

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I believe in creationism. We surely didn't come from monkeys.




  1. Well, believe in creation as well.  And to the people who say there are no facts supporting it---I hate to break it to you but evolution is not supported by facts either.  Both concepts are theories  which means they were not observed and cannot be proven one way or another.

  2. I understand where you're coming from, Ayana. There are only two 'blind faiths' on offer to explain our origin, and, although I am not a 'creationist' myself, I can see why you have chosen 'Creationism' over 'Evolutionism', despite neither of them having any 'UNEQUIVOCAL' evidence to 'PROVE' their theories correct.

    The fossil evidence discovered so far, is increasingly more strongly suggesting that there has been some sort of intelligent intervention, as opposed to the, plausible but unrealistic, unconvincing, "goo to you" Theory of Evolution. Though I'm not convinced either, that there is a devine 'God' involved.  There's far too much cruelty and suffering laid upon us for that to have any feasibility.

    There 'could' be some truth in both the theories, but until one or the other comes up with 'some' POSITIVE, UNEQUIVOCAL proof other than, "Could be's", "Points to", "Most convincing" and even, "An enormous amount of evidence to 'support' it" (as opposed to : "... evidence to 'PROVE' it"), middle of the road sceptics like me are not going to be convinced, no matter how many times deans or provosts of any anthropology department, or preists or bishops of any chruch or cathedral SAYS it's true!  And the smugness and insulting fanatisism that the 'evoltionist' display, even on this page today, with all their "thumbs-up" for fellow 'believers' and "thumbs-down" for for all the "idiots" who dare to oppose or question the very flimsey theory of evolution, is more to be pittied than laughed at, and the first answer on this page, by 'not4y2c', which could be directed to either Creationists OR Evolutionists, and the smug comment further down, that, "Only purblind fools hold on to lies", did bring a smile to my face.  If that isn't pi**ing against the wind, then I'm god in an ape's body.

    But, until we get to the REAL truth about our origin and purpose for existance, good luck in whatever you believe in.

  3. Why don't you think we evolved from apes? There is plenty of evidence in favor of evolution  but none in favor of creationism. To me the only clear choice is evolution unless you have a better explanation.

  4. I believe in both.  I know the Lord created me.  I also know the definition of's change over time!  We all evolve!

  5. Evolution all the way.  There is an enormous amount of evidence to support it, and none against it.  Creationism, on the other hand, has an enormous amount of evidence against it and none for it (the Bible does not qualify as "evidence."  It is only the creation myth of scientifically illiterate, ignorant nomads who wandered around in the desert herding goats and calling themselves the "Chosen People.")  

    First, the fossil record points directly to evolution being correct.  If you follow the evolutionary path through prehistory, it is obvious that life has gradually changed over time.  If you look at the basic body structures of chordates, it is also apparent.  They all have the same basic structure, with a central spinal chord, a tail of sorts, four limbs, and smaller appendages branching off of these.  If each individual organism had been specially createdf, it would make no sense that organisms as different as birds and fish would have the same body structure.  Also, many animals have useless body parts that are the product of evolution (they grew not to need them over time).  For instance, dolphins and whales have a pelvic bone that has absolutely no purpose.  It is not even attached to the rest of the skeletal system!  Humans have an appendix and a pinky toe that has no use.  If we had really been created by an intelligent being, these parts would not exist.

    Second, Creationism states that the earth is only six thousand years old, flat, and the center of the universe (if you truly believe the Bible is literal word for word, you believe this.  Actually read it if you don't believe me).  This is absolute nonsense.  We know none of these things are true.  The earth is spherical, the solar system is heliocentric, and the earth is about 4.6 billion years old.  The Bible can in no way be used as evidence.

    Third, we have seen evolution ourselves.  The most commonly used example is that of English moths.  Before the Industrial Revolution, they were white to blend in with the trees they lived on, with the occasional mutation of being black.  When the smog from the Industrial Revolution turned the trees black, the moths had turned black, with the occasional mutation of being white, within a decade.  Bacteria becoming resistent to antibiotics is a form of evolution.  Over the past 1500 years, humans have gradually grown taller.  During the Middle Ages, the average man was little over five feet tall.  Now, most people are around 5'7".

    Lastly, it just makes sense.  Meiosis never works perfectly, so the offspring will always be slightly different from the parents.  Duh.  These differences are very subtle.  Duh.  These differences can either help, harm, or have no effect on the organism.  Duh.  If the do not effect the organism, nothing will happen.  Duh.  If they harm the organism, the organism will be more likely to die and less likely to produce more offspring.  Duh.  If the organism doesn't produces more offspring, then the traits that harm it will not be passed down.  Duh.  If the new trait helps the organism, it will be more likely to survive and therefore will produce more offspring.  Duh.  If the organism has more offspring, then it will pass down the helpful traits.  Duh.  If new traits are being passed down all the time, organisms will therefore change over time.  QED

    From your question, however, it doesn't seem as if you are going to give best answer to the person who explains it most fully.  Instead, it sounds like you would only award it to someone who agrees with you.

  6. So, you think the Earth was created a thousand years after the Sumerians invented beer?

    Then why can we trace are genetic ancestry right back to the chimp Y chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA?

    You might want to post this in the 'Religion and Spirituality' section if you don't want things thrown at you.

  7. Evolutionism. Of course we are not evolved from monkey, it is a simple biological theory. Monkeys and humans have same ancestors, and the current species do not evolve into each other. If so, the human population is going to be twice or three times larger than right now, because monkeys and chips can evolve. When you are suorting your standing, please do not carry out god or whatsoever, Jesus did not not tell people to sell humans, but he Europeans and Amrecans did the COMMERCIAL SLAVERY, bible did not tell you fo sell drugs, but since the 1800's till now, WHAT DID YOU DO?

  8. The fact that you believe in creationism does not really mean anything. Your belief has nothing to do with the facts and reality. That's why it is called belief.

    I believe the Earth is flat.

  9. Give me the name of a public-funded university whose provost and dean of the anthropology department publicly and openly support  the theory of creationism.

    Show me scholarly articles published by world renowned scientific publications that unambiguously defend the theory of creationism at the expense of evolutionism.

    Only real scientists who regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals, give conferences in front of reputed organizations, and write books recommended by the scientific community have the real authority to tell how life has appeared on earth.

    And so far, the theory of evolution has always been the most convincing.

  10. I believe in creationism....First Chapter of Genesis talks about  God's creating and creation..Evolutionisms starts from something that is has or is already existing..

  11. i believe in kind of both

    god created the animals and ment for them to evolve into humans

  12. It is not a matter of belief, but of evidence and you are an ape and the common ancestor of the proto-ape that gave rise to today's humans and apes.

    Only purblind fools hold on to lies!

  13. Invalid question. You offer a choice to believe in a thing; then you offer a thing which requires belief and one that doesn't.

    One does not have to 'believe' in evolution. It ain't, how do they say, a matter of opinion, any more.

    Evolution is supported by modern science, logic. intelligence, observation, experimentation and reason.

    Creationism is supported by...? true believers, sooth-sayers, charlatans, the (by their own volition) the uninformed.

    You pick the group with which you wish to be associated.

  14. How does it feel to believe in something that is completely unsupported by fact?

  15. But you do have simian features.

  16. Not sure WHERE you came from then, sweetie.  The argument that "we" are too complex to have simply arisen through the mechanism of evolution is moot, since it implies creation NEEDS a "creator" more complex than itself...Where does that leave your God? Logically that means there must be a MORE COMPLEX God that created Him! Etc., etc., etc....

  17. We surely did come from monkeys.  The Earth is 4.5 billion years and for the vast majority of that time, only single celled life existed.  That is absolutely undeniable and it kind of puts a wrinkle in the story of genesis.  We are physically descended from the earliest life and share common ancestors with all life and that even includes rutabagas.  You would have to go back more than a million generations to get to a common ancestor of monkeys but it was essentially a monkey about 20 million years ago that gave rise to all the apes including us.

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