
Which one do you like more,cats or dogs?

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I like cats but it seems like all my friends like dogs,which one do you like more?Just wondering




  1. I love dogs there so cute and loving.

  2. cats

    i have one cat and two baby kittens

    they are so cute and cuddly

    i dont really like dogs like that

  3. I have 2 cats, both of them had no problem training to use the litter box, they are loving, they do tricks for treats, and are never bad.

    Recently we got a puppy and HOLY c**p WHY WON'T THIS THING QUIT WHINING AND POOPING AND PEEING ALL OVER MY FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *ahem* anyway I'd have to say cats.

  4. i would never be able to choose

  5. It depends entirely on the animal. I'm allergic to dogs, but there are some that I absolutely love. Then there are the big slobbery monsters who like to jump all over you when they have muddy paws. I have two kittens and I love them, but I've met some cats that are completely viscious. So it all depends on the animal. How friendly and tempramental it is.

  6. I like cats better. My family has three of them, but I have to be away from them during the school year!

  7. I pefer cats but like and own both.  

    Which should you have? that depends on what you can provide.  Not just financially but emotionally and actively.

    Cats are more independent but very loving.  Thay don't need alot of training but do need some.  They tend to cost less both in food, toys, and medical costs.

    Dogs are more demanding of attention (good if you want a constant or almost constant companion).  They need varied and specific training (some need mnore than others).  Most dogs should have at least 20 minutesof exercise twice a day.

    Your personality will dictate which will work better for you.

  8. personally i like dogs more but cats are nice self reliant pets to  

  9. no preference because ive had both cats and dogs at same time,

  10. i have both so i would say both

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