
Which one do you think could be the best substitute for crude oil?

by Guest33997  |  earlier

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Bio Fuel

Hydrogen Energy

Cold Fusion....

Which do you think could be the best substitute for crude oil ?

Or any other idea you have ?




  1. Biodeisel... hyrogen fuel cells involve energy from electrolysis and cold fusion involves energy from heat and cold. all still great choices though

  2. there will be no one substitute for crude it will take many.

    biofuel  ethanol made from non food crops YES made from corn or wheat NO

    hydrogen made from natural gas NO

    made from coal NO

    from solar or wind NO (hydrogen made with solar power would take 21 sq miles of solar panels per million cars)

    made with NUKE power MAYBE ( it would take 300 nuke plants for the US just for CARS and TRUCKS)

    cold fusion NO LOL

    fusion MAYBE in 50 to 100 years.

    biodiesel YES

    ethanol fuel cell  for cars YES (as long as the ethanol is not made from food )

    Natural gas fuel cells for cars YES natural gas fuel cells for power MAYBE.

    ocean power YES

    microhydropower YES

    geothermal YES with limits due to the amount and locations of geothermal fields. some countries have no geothermal fields. ie.UK

  3. My father's farts.

  4. None of the above:

    With existing technology, there is not enough land to produce that much bio-fuel.

    Hydrogen can only be produced with using some other form of energy so it is not a substitute in its self.

    Cold fusion is a myth at best, and a scam at worst.

    In the short term, there is no substitute.  In the medium term, the most viable substitutes for crude oil will be

    Oil shale kerogen


    Natural gas

    Nuclear fission

  5. For roads and other surface run vehicles, Bio-diesel is the best . After all crude is also of bio origin.

    For high sea and river transport  solar+ wind + bio diesel is again agood option.

    For space and air crafts solar + chemical fuels ( Batteries as well ) can be opted.

    Looking at the accidental losses the atomic options should be the least favoured ones.

    The hydro power to generate  electric poer for transportation and running machines , mills , irrigation equipments a great tool.

  6. I think the best substitute for crude oil, over time, will be nuclear energy.  Not to put nukes in our cars, but to power our homes which we'll need to charge our electric cars.  These plugin electric hybrids are supposed to be coming out soon, I think the Chevy Volt is supposed to go up to 40 miles on a charge, and anything over that the gasoline engine will kick in.  So the technology is coming close to being there, the only thing is we'll need more electricity on the power grid, hopefully which won't be made with coal!

  7. I'd have to go with fusion.  Once we're able to perfect this technology, other technologies will be considered obsolete.  

    Air emissions will be very small, when they perfect total containment of tritium.   There's no chance for a meltdown, like for a fission nuclear plant.  And, best of all, there's unlimited potential to create energy at a single plant.  No other technologies come close.

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