
Which one download faster bitorrent or utorrent?

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Which one download faster bitorrent or utorrent?




  1. They are basically the same client.  BitTorrent bought uTorrent and then released version 6.0.3, which was identical to uTorrent (with the extra DNA-which does nothing for the average user).

    Secunia recently released a "highly critical" security alert on BitTorrent 6.0.3 and uTorrent 1.7.7 (Build 8179).  uTorrent has fixed this in 1.8, but BitTorrent remains unfixed.

    uTorrent is a better choice anyways.  This article discusses the best free bittorrent clients and has links to a setup guide for uTorrent.

  2. Neither, they are just programs allowing you to access files, the speed depends on the torrent you select

    Pick a torrent with a large amount of hosts. The site should say how much ppl are hosting the file.

  3. both of them are just the same..

    it how you set the settings...

    i only know that you want infinte uploads

  4. I use utorrent, il ike that its fast and you can control the bandwidth that you want to allocate

    More computer tips at

  5. use flashget, its faster and more easy to use

  6. utorrent

  7. I use uTorrent...and you can set the priority of a download to "high" by right clicking on it so that it won't take ages to long as you have seeders lol.

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