
Which one i better sedu or chi???

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wich hair staigtener is better sedu or chi i think sedu is better because the reveiws say that chi kills and fries and rips out your hair and ive heard nothing bad about sedu? wich one is better,breaks easiest,quickest to use????




  1. sedu!

  2. CHI - it does not "kill and fry and rip out your hair". I have one and it make smy hair silky and smooth.

  3. well chi works the best i think!!!

    & all strainers damage your hair cus the heat btw

    but chi deff works really good..

  4. first of all, i think the people who just say "chi." haven't tried a sedu.. but i could be wrong ;)

    anywaaays, i just got a sedu. and it's pretty good; my hair is a lot smoother. but i don't think it's all it's cracked up to be. but to make it fair, ive never tried a chi.

    just warning you, the people who say chi may have never tried a sedu. and some of the people who say sedu in reviews, may be coming from drugstore brand land.  

  5. chi.

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