
Which one irritates you more in the China section? Stupid question or Stupid answers?

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Should you provide a "stupid" answer to a "stupid" question?




  1. Offensive questions irritate me most!;...

    In my humble opinion, lol, stupid questions match with stupid answers.

  2. stupid everything i thank you for saying something because the other day someone asked if china would infect everyone with bird flu!! i was so mad...

    it's unfortunate that people are not educated about china and asia. it seems that the distance is just too much for them to handle but the thing i hate most is that they don't own up to it... they don't even care if they think i'm korean when i'm really chinese... too bad

  3. Bad questions -- not stupid ones -- make me angry. Anti-Sino questions and the like.

    Now, some stupid answers are fun answers, so don't take everything too seriously. In fact, fun questions, while they may be a little off-the-wall, can be good, too.

  4. for me it's the stupid chinese who think they are free to ask and answer any question they want without chinese government reprisal or censorship

  5. Stupid questions because when I exit the question I don't have to view the stupid answer unless I go into the question again.

    Take Han's question, it just gets on my nerves then I see it hanging in the list.

    But of course if the question is stupid I will give a stupid answer.

  6. If the answer is obvious, the person who asked the stupid question deserves a stupid answer

  7. It depends what you mean by "stupid".  A question from a person with little knowledge of China, a legitimate attempt to learn something, is one thing.  I don't mind questions like that.

    The truly stupid ones are the leading questions and the rhetorical questions.

    "Why can't everybody just see that Tibet is part of China?" or "When is China going to stop abusing human rights in Tibet?"

    The stupid answers are worse.  In response to a question about human rights abuse, someone is sure to answer "Look who's talking!  What about how you treated the Aboriginal people in the USA?"  The fact that the Aboriginal abuse was over a century ago, and the Chinese human rights abuses are happening as we speak, does not seem to be relevant.

  8. stupid questions by han

    stupid answers by mike S and those who do not know the answers but answered anyway out of good will to make themselves sound so silly.

    for eg. 'oh i have never been to beijing but i can tell u...' or 'i can help u on your current tour, as i recall the last time 20 years ago i was there..' or 'oh i dont know, u can check on google'

  9. What's a "stupid" question? If by that you mean a question that has an intent of insulting another person, belief, or personally attack an opinion, then yes.

    I wouldn't call it stupid though. I call it offensive.

    My teacher once said "there is no such a thing as a stupid question, the only thing stupid is not asking a question when there is an opportunity to do so".  I believe that.

    I don't mind questions like "Where is China?" or "Is china a city?", some people don't know much about China, at least they are trying to learn.

    P.S - To Mike S above: your answer is a live example of an irritation

  10. Well this is sort of one of those questions, as it doesn't have much to do with China, since there are stupid questions and stupid answers in every section, but I agree with Super Chick that probably the person deserves a stupid answer if their question is so stupid. However, if the question is irritatingly stupid, I find it best just to leave.

  11. The dangerous part are the deliberately misleading and slanted questions which are DELIBERATELY 'stupid."   These are the 'political' ones about Tibet, usually....most of these people are not stupid.  They just pretend to be.

  12. I think stupid questions are worse, because if someone asks a stupid question, that makes all the answers to it stupid answers. At least thats how my logic works.

  13. hi,

    both of them...

    i never answer to the stupid questions if it is insulting question , i report them ,only.

  14. Stupid questions. If they weren't asked, there wouldn't be stupid answers.

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