
Which one is a Healthier Lunch?

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Please tell me which lunch option would be healthier, calorie wise, and fat grams wise.

First option; A peanut butter and jelly sand which, wheat bread, smart start peanut butter and sugar free jelly(light layers of both)

Vegtables with light dip

Diet Pop

Second Option;

a larger bowl of Kashi cereal and 1% milk

Diet pop.

Please tell me which one is healthier.




  1. the first option

  2. The easiest way is to look at Nutrition Facts on your peanut butter,wheat bread, etc to find out which one is option is healthier.

    Do not be deceived by description " Diet " on your pop can.

    What does it mean " Diet". It might be a " HIgh Calories Diet, High Sugar Diet etc.

    I would recommend the second Option but replacing Diet pop with a glass of skimmed milk. .  

  3. Neither of them are healthy.

    Sugar free jelly will contain loads of sweeteners, which are actually even more bad for you than sugar! Always be wary of any "sugar-free" foods or drinks.

    Throw out the diet pop, too. They contain ridiculous amounts of sugars or sweeteners.

    Cereal is also bad because it contains sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc.

    If you I HAD to chose one of those, it would probably be the first, because it actually contains some nutrients in the vegetables.

    A better lunch would be something like;

    Wholemeal pitta bread or wholemeal wrap, with tuna or chicken, packed with salad inside followed by carrots with hummas.

    Water or green tea for drink.

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