
Which one is better? active ankle T1 or T2?

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i play volleyball and i need help choosing! thanks.




  1. My coach recommended T2 more support and more flexiblity I've found.

  2. i have the T2 and i really like them.

    the way the T1 strap are more confusing.

    plus the T2  have the more durable padding. its not the styrofoam stuff like the T1. its more of a thick heavy duty padding so they are going to last a lot longer.

    a lot of my friends have the T1 and the padding rips.

    ALSO... you can make them tighter for better support. because they have two straps, you can make them tighter without having to completely re-do the entire brace.

    so i definitely suggest T2.

  3. T2, not just because it's newer and a little more expensive, but because it's an actual improvement. The T2s provide more support and fix issues the T1 had with poor support for the lateral movement of your ankle.

  4. i had both of them they are both ok but you should get breg ultra ankles they are 50000000000 X's better. they are pretty expensive though. but if you are a high school athlete you can get them really cheap.  or go to your local rpt and you can get them at a way good price.

    i have used both t1 and t2 and i really didn't notice the difference but its always better to go with the newer models of things

    but i really would suggest the breg's

  5. A2 works better, its way easier to move in than the A1.. and not as ugly!

  6. my coach told me t2 !

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