
Which one is cheaper overall, hamster, gerbil, or rat?

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  1. a guinea pig is about 30 dollars at petsmart and i think hamstars are about the same...

  2. Are people serious? I'm sure you realize that by 'which is cheaper' you cannot only ask about how much an actual animal costs! ALL the supplies, cage, bedding, food and vet care is expensive for all those.

    Straight off, rats are by far the most expensive. They need massive cages, which take up a good amount of bedding. And you cannot only get one. Having at least two rats means twice as much food. They also NEED vet care if they get sick, and rats are quite sensitive and prone to a number of problems. This means that you need to be able to pay for vet care for at least two rats.

    Gerbils are less cheaper. They do need very large cages like tank topeprs over aquariums, except they are diggers, so you must use a lot more bedding each time you clean the cage. You also cannot have only one gerbil, so again, it is twice the food, and vet care. They are hardy, so you probably will not have to see a vet ever, but still have extra money just in case.

    Hamsters are the cheapest. Only dwarfs can live with others, but this is not necessary, you can have them alone. They need relatively small cages, although the bigger the better. And if you have one, it will only eat a bit so food can last a while as well.

    And please do not buy from a pet store! All pet store animals in all pet stores come from high-volume breeding facilities which over-breed the parent animals, and force them to suffer basically. Don't give these people money. Instead, adopt a pet from a shelter, or look in classifieds for people giving away these animals. You probably can find them for free.

  3. a rat is only like 5 dollars and they are so cute after you get past the rat part!

  4. well i manage a pet store and depending on the type of hamster you want there are more then one type!.. the dwarfs are usually aound 12.99, teddybears 4.99-5.00, short haired 5.99-6.00  gerbils usually around 7.00 rats (small) 2.49, (medium) 3.99 (large)-4.99 (jumbo) 6.99

    this is not including cage,food,litter,bowl,water bottle etc....

    hope this helps

  5. Gerbils! :]

    I love gerbils! :]

  6. a hamster is around £6.00 but you really have to think about the cage food toys bedding etc but i would think a hamster is the cheepest.

  7. Well small rats are about $5.00 and hamsters and gerbils can range from $8.99-12.99 at petco and im sure petsmart is about the same. But rats are overall nicer and rarely bite versus a gerbil or hamster which seem to be little demons. You'll rarely find a nice one. If you are interested in guinea pigs they are $ 32.99 at petco as well. I hope this helps.

  8. They are all about the same price but if you include supplies and cages, hamsters and gerbils are about the same, and rats are more expensive. But if you are choosing which to get buy a rat. They are way better.

  9. overall price will be about the same once you include habitat, food, excercise toys, treats, etc. hamsters are around $10, gerbils around $15, and rats around $8.

  10. rat

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