
Which one is grammatically correct?

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"Come have dinner with my mom and I."

"Come have dinner with my mom and me."




  1. UGH! Now I'm confused!! People are saying that "mom and me" is the proper form. OF course I've heard of things like "mommy and me" as a girl scout, but in school we are always told to say "and I" So now I'm totally confused! Maybe it can go either way?? You would say "My mom and I had dinner." So I don't get why you wouldn't say "come have dinner with my mom and I." But the first answer makes sense too. "And me" just sounds odd because in school, we are taught not to say that.

  2. "Come have dinner with my mom and me."

  3. "Come have dinner with my mom and me." is the correct one.

  4. me

    or you could use myself.

  5. Come have dinner with my mom and me

    The way to check is to take the other person out of  the complete subject,, which would leave "and me" and see if that alone makes sense.

    "Come have dinner with I" makes no sense.

    "Come have dinner with me" makes sense.

  6. my mom and I, in school they always tell us to use and I

  7. The second sentence, the one with "me," is correct.

    A good tip for knowing the difference between "I" and "me" is to take out the other person. For example, take out the "my mom" from your sentences. The first one would then be "come have dinner with I," which is very obviously incorrect, while the second would be "come have dinner with me," which is something correct that one says every day.

  8. "Come have dinner with my mom and me."

    Use "Me" because it is the predicate part of the sentence. "You" is the understood subject.

    It can be broken down like this....

    Come have dinner with my mom.

    Come have dinner with me.

    Both make sense.

  9. If you take the sentence apart, you can figure it out

    "Come have dinner with my mom and I"

    Drop the noun and pronoun that is in both sentences ([my]mom)

    "Come have dinner with I"

    "Come have dinner with my mom and me"

    Drop the [my]mom again.

    "Come have dinner with me"

    If you can't tell that I sounds inncorrect, listen to it.  You wouldn't say I in that case.  You WOULD in this case:

    "My mother and I would like you to join us for dinner."

    Take out mother again.  "I would like you..."

    "My mother and me would like you to join us for dinner."

    Take out mother.  "Me would like you..."

    You can tell, again, that it sounds off.  Using I and Me is fairly simple.  You need to break the sentence down and find the nouns and verbs.  Make it into a simple sentence.  It's mostly common sense.  If you notice, when you were younger, they taught the whole "I" thing.  That was because the textbooks and workbooks/sheets were meant purposly for I.  As you go on in school, they show you more.  They do that with all subjects.  I is a nominative pronoun, while me is an objective pronoun.  You can't use it that way.  You'll realize that in the sentence.    Sometimes, people use I to sound more professional.  If you look at it, sometimes it doesn't.  If you have to, mess up the sentence.  Take bits and pieces out.  Figure out the sentence instead of rushing.  Hope this helps :]

  10. It's "my mom and me", as the previous answerers have explained.

    But you, as the author, have the power to get yourself out of any difficulty. If you still think "my mom and me" feels a bit wrong, just delete it and rewrite the sentence:

    "Come have dinner with us tonight."

    "Come have dinner at my house tonight. Mom would love to see you."

    "Would you like to come to dinner at our house tonight? Mom's making crab cakes."

    There's always a different way to say the same thing.

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