
Which one is lazy eye?

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Is lazy eye when one eye does not see as well as the other or is it when one eye does not centre properly (i.e. the pupil always rests slightly off the centre of the eye)? Or is it a combination of both?




  1. Lazy eye is usually associated with one eye facing straight out and looking at the person or object, whilst the other eye faces out. It appears to be looking in a different direction altogether. Most people with lazy eye do have good vision in both eyes but they work on an independent basis and don't 'fuse'. They are unable to work as a team and one eye is always pointing slightly outward and in some more severe cases it will almost disappear into the outer edge of the eye socket.

    For more information on lazy eye, try this link

  2. I don't see it now ,but a few years back , kids at school often had a patch on one lens of their glasses , this was the good eye , it forced the other lazy eye to focus , so id go with not seeing as well ,

  3. It's when one eye doesn't center properly.  Like you look at something one eye looks straight at it and the other eye (the lazy eye) doesn't quite look at it dead on.  The lazy eye can be very obvious or it could just be off a little.

  4. Were one eye is not inline propley, the muscles need to be strenthend, thats why they say you can have it fixed when your young

  5. thats right and did you know a lavy eye cannot be fixed after eight years old
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