
Which one is more eco-friendly?

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which one is more eco-friendly? rechargeable AA batteries or buying new batteries everytime i need them.




  1. definatly rechargeable

  2. Don't use electricity at all.

  3. Rechargeable batteries are the better alternative for several reasons:

    1. You only use raw materials to manufacture them once but you reuse them hundreds of times. This saves raw materials and also saves transportation to the factory and shipment to your store and then to your home.

    2. Both types can ultimately be recycled, but even recycling requires energy.

    3. The amount of energy to recharge an AA battery is about two cents according to this website:

    4. You can also eliminate the need to tap into the grid by building solar rechargers such as this:

    or by buying one like this:

  4. Always use rechargeable batteries. Batteries are made of chemicals which to not disintegrate therefore staying in waste form instead of breaking down into the earth. They also contain toxic material. Rechargeables are mush better because they allow less batteries to be disposed of, therefore less toxic waste! Yes definitely buy those!

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