
Which one is more likely to cause allergy in a 10-months-old: mashed (white) potato or lasagna?

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My son has a few (about 8) red bumps that were previously big, but now had shrunk into small red dots on his forehead and right ear.

I was told that this is allergy rash.

The only new food that he had eaten the day before, were mashed white potato (he had sweet/red potatoes before and was all right) and lasagna.

Or could it be this new brand of orange juice that I had yesterday (I breastfeed)?




  1. There are quite a few ingredients in lasagna I'd go with that.

  2. It might be the fact that he is too young for these types of food but Lasagna probably

  3. Hi I would say the lasagne that could of caused it, as there are slot of colourings in it, as its usually really red the sauce so this could be what caused it, I cannot see it being the mash as there is nothing in it that can harm him,unless you added something to mash it with but if you didnt then  its deffinatly the lasagne, I cannot see the oragne juice you have drunk to bother him if you drink it normally anyways, as orange juice is pretty much the same, it could even be a rash if you baby is teething also, I would just get him check out at the doctors.  

  4. lasagna has about 20 ingredients, so I would think it is something in that. Tomatoes aren't recommended for the first year, because many babies can be allergic. My daughter is 2.5 yrs and has a problem with tomatoes - she gets red bumps on her face if she eats more than a small amount (especially if raw).  

  5. The most common allergy in children is a lactose intolerance, which means that cheesy or milky sauce in the lasgne is the most likely cause - you'd have to try and eliminate lactose for a few days and then trya  small amount to see if it affected him. It's possible it only happens when he has more lactose than normal, and small amounts won't hurt him.

    On the other hand, allergies are often caused by things in the environment, it could be a particular chemical or type of pollen, so don't rule other causes out too.

  6. WIthout a doubt lasagna. For a start, it contains many more ingredients than white potato. It also contains gluten, which is a highly allergenic food. Tomatoes can also cause problems in some individuals.

    However, potato is a member of the nightshade family, which some individuals can react to. Tomato is as well. Red and white potatoes are part of this same family, so if he was ok with red then he would probably be ok with white. Sweet potato is not actually related to potato, it is of a different plant family.

    Aside from food, it could be a reaction to heat, a new washing powder, babywipes, pollen etc.

    My son recently had a similar reaction and he had had nothing new in his diet for over a week.

  7. It could be either one as both contain dairy (providing that is the cause of course). the cause could also quite easily be wheat/gluten which would be in the lasagna sheets and white sauce.  I doubt it was the orange juice but either of the two meals is possibly the culprit.

  8. At a guess i would say lasagne and orange juice.

  9. I would have thought that an allergy rash on his forehead and ear would be caused by contact to the skin. Usually a reaction to an ingested allergen would either come up all over, on the trunk, or only around the mouth. They could also cause breathing difficulties, coughing, sneezing or vomiting....

    I would investigate whetehr they could be allergies to either insect bites, or contact with a particular detergent (on her bed sheets for example), or a particular bonnet or hat that touches her ear and forehead........

    Otherwise....Dairy allergy is much more likely than a pototo allergy.

    If you are concerned, and because she has not shown major distressing symptoms, you could test tiny amounts to see if she reacts, and if there is no reaction, try a larger amount.......

    Otherwise, see your Doctor who can refer you to an allergy specialist.

  10. It's really very hard to tell. There's quite a variety of ingredients in lasagna, but they were given on the same day as the mashed potato. Perhaps you could try the ingredients one at a time when his rashes had subsided over a week/ ingredient, so that you'll know exactly what it is? Also, those ingredients that you'd already tried and tested to be fine before needn't be tried again :)

    Good luck!

  11. Lasagne contains things like egg and cows milk which could cause a reaction, so it is most likely that.  Mashed potato is quite inoffensive so i would be very suprised if it was that.  You could always go to the doctor and get him patch tested for foods he is allergic or sensitive to so that in future you know what to avoid.

  12. It could be any of them, you'd need to try the foods a few days apart again to be totally certain which one it was... i'd guess at lasagna though so leave that one til last... if neither potato or orange juice cause a reaction the second time round then you know it's lasagna.

    If you don't want to feed your son these meals again, sometimes if you just touch the baby's skin with the food they are alergic to that will also cause the skin to react.


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