Law: sinners all, none righteous... all perish... Col 2:20-22
Grace: sinners none, all righteous... none perish... 2Cor 5:19
Law: inexcusable and self-condemning judgment: Rom 2:1
Grace: excusable & not condemning: John 3:17... 5:45... 8:3-11
Law: unjust judge... avenges whenever troubled or provoked
Grace: just judge... always grace us, mercy full, peace full
Law: against us all: Jer 23:39... Col 2:14
Grace: with you all: Deut 31:6,8... Heb 13:5,9
John 7:24 (Law not, but Grace)
Judge not according to the appearance,
but judge righteous judgment.
The GRACE of our Lord JC with you all. Amen.