
Which one is stronger and more powerful, is it LOVE or DEATH?

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and why you believe in that way...?

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  1. ...death...its final...

  2. just visit my answer Kylie,

    in indonesian ....

    Yahoo International is waiting for u,

    just go there, send them the above great question ....

    okayyy Kylie ?


  3. Sorry people who said love, but I think I have to disagree. Love lasts a lifetime (not always either), but death lasts forever. Someone dies, they stay dead, period, no question about it. You can love someone one day, and suddenly love someone else the next day. Besides, honestly, how many people say "I love you" to someone and actually meant it nowadays? People take for granted what love even means, and so they just randomly throw the word around. Believe me, I would LOVE to defend LOVE, but honestly, love isn't what it used to be anymore.

  4. Love definitely, it is undeniable that it is stronger. If it wasn't you would not see other people sacrificing their lives (i.e. dying) for love (even for a person you do not know or have never even met). That is why i think love is stronger than death.

    Hope this helps you

  5. This question makes no sense at all.  It's like asking, which is more like the ocean, an apple or a tractor?

  6. Death is only a transition. After your body dies your soul continues to live and love. Therefore, since death can't stop love, love wins... Even the love of death (as twisted as that may be) will continue...

  7. LOVE.....

    more power full

  8. Love is more powerful I believe.

    Love can transcend death. Just because death takes someone form you doesn't stop you from loving them.

    Love can go on forever. Death is swift.

  9. everything will end up with death.

  10. L-O-V-E [s2]

    if some dies it doesn't mean someone will stop loving them

  11. Love. People kill for love and not the other way around.

  12. Love. Love has the ability to power all emotions it can give you great joy, strong bravery, or even fierce anger

  13. Death is love's friend when we have lived our lives and move on to still be together in the spiritual realm of existance

  14. Well according to scripture Christ conquered death and love brings eternal life.  So therefore love is more powerful than death.

  15. DEATH.

    love doesn't exist, death does, therefore death is more powerful.


  16. I believe in love as d answer because the act of love can offset any hatred...:) peace...

  17. imao!

  18. the power of wish and love is uncreadeble cause that is the power that we create, so love of course

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