
Which one is the first creation chicken or chicken egg?

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ok......just gave me the best answer....




  1. This question can never be definitively answered. Even with a super computer. If you believe in evolution:

    People have said that the egg must have come from an animal that was only SLIGHTLY not a chicken and the embreo in the egg was a chicken. The flaw with this is that the SLIGHTLY NOT CHICKEN ANIMAL must have hatched from an egg itself, if it was born with the ability to lay eggs.

    The only way to respond to this, if you ever have it asked to you, is 'A circle has no beginning or end.'

  2. egg


  4. About the chicken and the egg, the egg came first because an egg is a gigantic SINGULAR cell while a chicken is made off many billions of cells and life on earth in the far past, at the very beginning of its existence, was made of tiny single-cellular entities. Evolution with time brought multi-cellular fishes, animals, insects, etc., including chicken. Finally, this say about ‘the chicken and the egg’ should not be used anymore because our modern knowledge (science) does not allow it anymore unless we BELIEVE in creationism and then, the chicken would come first (Ha! Ha! Ha!)

  5. The chicken!!!!!!!!!!!! PS you have the worse english ever!  Please a) stay in school or b) go back to school!

  6. apply theory of chicken.......................hahaha!

  7. well... i think it was the chicken but then again the chicken was inside the egg

    maybe it was the egg... i actually have no idea!

  8. Chicken with ability to make egg.

  9. Why worry about it? Just be happy that chickens exist and that their eggs are very good for you.

    But if the egg came first, I really don't know how it would get fertilized. I think chickens probably evolved from some sort of dinosaur, although I'm not impressed with the size of their brains if that's true.

    So now the real question is, "which came first, the dinosaur or the egg?"

    And again the answer is, don't worry about it, just be happy that the dinosaur existed once, and evolved into a chicken, who's eggs are very good for you.

  10. Theory of Evolution LOL

  11. a pregnant chicken!

  12. i no how it all started t-rexes got smaller and smaller and the grew body parts as a chicken but it wasnt a chicken yet  it still had a long tail and the same teeth and eyes.then it layed an egg and instead of a baby trex it was a baby chick.

    true fact. im actually serios.i got it out of a book of facts.seriosly im not lying

  13. Chicken and egg are laying in bed together, the chicken smoking a ciggarete the egg laying to one side with its back to the chicken "Well I think we just solved THAT mystery"

  14. Well biblically speaking, the chicken came first. God created all living creatures in their adult phase, ready for pro-creation. He created Adam and Eve as adults already, not as babies. This is my point of view. Well it really varies based on what you believe in.

  15. Chicken. God created life, the egg is for procreation.

  16. Probably the egg.. as we all come from an "egg" and the sperm fertilizes it.

    Then somewhere down the long road of evolution certain species started laying eggs.

  17. Chicken omellette, for me, please....!

  18. The chicken because God created animals and left the rest for the animals to figure out!

  19. Ha ha ha ha........

    The reptiles were there first....

    Birds evolved from reptiles....

    He he he he....

  20. the cat.

  21. The Egg.

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