
Which one is the most terrifying?

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  1. I would have to choose between clown and zombie.

    The rest don't bug me.

  2. witches

  3. zombies, they seem the most unstoppable

  4. clown. LOL JK JK i don't know. a lot of them sound scary

  5. all except for the clown and frankenstein i dk about witches....

  6. Vampire

  7. Clowns

  8. zombies!! duh!!! they are already dead so u cant kill them u cantg et rid of them..if they were real then ide seriously die, but then that might make me one of

  9. I'll go against the flow here.  ^_^

    A "Frankenstein's monster" type of thing.  (Frankenstein himself was just the doctor, duh)  Why?

    --Most folks have Valley of the Uncanny issues....they get creeped out by good but flawed "fake people", which is why clowns (The Joker) and dolls (Chucky from _Child's Play_ movies) and Zombies (duh) make so many grown men and women *p**s themselves*...and also....

    --A "Frankenstein's Monster" is a synthetic being....made to *be* a monster.  The intent may not have started out monstrous, but that's how it turned out.  The intent--to defy death with a monstrosity *made of* defiled, desecrated dead flesh--is as plain as the thing's ugly face.

    This is not, in most ways, like the subject of your "evil doll" or "evil puppet" or "living teddy bear" horror films.  In those the *intent* that made the toys is perverted into something horrific.  With the Monster, the intent is honest, and always *has been* about raw, ugly, deathly fear.  There is neither deception nor denial going on here.

    --And aside from the mythology....we may well have it in us, these days, to *Make* such things.  Nanotechnology is one answer to that Question (How do I get from Dead Body Parts to "IT'S! ALIIIVE!!"?).  So is infestation by engineered parasites (make the bugs that move and maintain the body).

    And this assumes the body has to be *completely dead*.  As we find more and more ways to "Cure" folks who are in comas and other vegetative states, we'll get closer and closer to trapping an artificial "mind-like thing" within a Terri Schiavo-like body.

    So it's plausible too.  ^_^  Imagine that.

    But hey, what do I know?  *lol*

  10. Ghosts. I had a scary experience with one of those in my old house. Of course, this is assuming the vampire is just a psychic vampire (like most are) and the werewolf is just an astral shapeshifter going about his/her own business. I am a witch, so that doesn't scare me. I don't know enough about the truth behind zombies to be scared of those.

    Clowns? Who's scared of clowns? Or Frankenstein?

  11. either a clown or zombies

  12. ghosts

  13. Fundies and Islamic terrorists. I guess clowns because they are the only real thing listed but they don't scare me!

  14. Really, really afraid of zombies, especially the ones that run fast and have some intelligence

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