
Which one is worse in foreign policies: McCain or Biden. Explain why.?

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I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I'm a socialist.

IMO; Biden is worse but I want your opinions as well.




  1. Which do like better, apples or oranges? That's your comparison. Do you know whose running for president?

  2. Why compare a Presidential candidate with a Vice-Presidential candidate?

    Oh, I see, because Obama has no experience in foreign policies.

  3. Definitely McCain.  Biden voted for the war in Iraq but quickly realized his mistake and became an outspoken critic of the war.

    McCain also voted for the war but he continues to have delusions that Iraq somehow caused 9/11.

  4. I personally think McCain is. Because he is going to continue the same policy of george bush. Although I have enormous respect for the man. I don't agree with his politics.

  5. McCain = "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran"

  6. Biden funds foreign policies he claims to oppose.

    McCain also isn't running against Biden.  McCain is running against Obama.

  7. worse: McCain.

  8. McCain is worse because all he knows how to do is to drop bombs on civilians in white pajamas and straw hats.

  9. Biden: For the war, against the surge.

    McCain: For the war, for the surge.

    As the surge won, McCain wins on that one.

  10. mccain hates "gooks".

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