
Which one of Stephanie Meyer's books are best?

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I brave read Twilight, New Moon, almost all of Eclipse, and have Breaking Dawn.

I... am pretty much more than just obsessed!

Which one of the four do you think is best?

what about her other books like "The Host"?





  1. i deff liked Eclipse the best im in the middle of reading Breaking dawn and its kinda ehh... like everyting is turning out like a fairy tale kinda lame but its pretty good :) i love the series tho

  2. my favorite was breaking dawn. im not sure why though. lots were unhappy with the ending... but i absolutely loved it! its funny though cuz my friend read the book and mentioned that it was really good so while she wasn't looking i took the book and read it in less then two days and gave it back to her and bought the next book right away!! haha. she couldn't believe i actually took the book. :) lol. the host was alright. im still going to read the series whenever she continues it but it wasn't better than twilight.

  3. Twilight is the BEST!!! It's an amazing story of how Bella and Edward met.

  4. The best one is the one where Bella typed her question in the search box and read the answers that people gave Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, Angela, Ben, Mike, Tyler, Lauren, Jessica, Jacob, Sam, Paul, Leah, Seth, Embry, Quil, Jared, Collin, Charlie, Renee,  Phil, Sue, Billy, Emily, Renesmee and even Reverend Webere, all of whom asked the EXACT same question.

    The search feature is there for a reason.  It is your friend.  Use it.

  5. Twilight

  6. twilight was the best

    new moon was WAYY to slow and the ending wasnt that great.

    eclipse was a little slow to but the ending was really good.

    and i havent read the host but a friend of mine said he wouldnt think it was that great if meyer wasnt as popular as she is now.

  7. I've read all her books (not including Prom Nights From h**l) and I thought The Host is my favorite. The writing is much more complicated than Twilight and Wanderer/Melanie are more likable than Bella.

  8. i like Eclipse best

    answer miii twilight question pleasee

    you'll love itt;...

  9. I've read all of her Twilight saga and The Host, and while I loved all of them The Host was by far my favorite. It was a much more adult book .Out of the Twilight Saga I by far favored Eclipse, Twilight and New Moon were a little to young for my taste and Breaking Dawn, while well written wasn't at all what I would have liked to see as the resolution to the series.

  10. Twilight is definitely the best so far.  Then Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and New Moon.

    I just started reading The Host.  So far it's good too.

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