
Which one of my outfits do like the best?

by Guest57708  |  earlier

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check them out an tell me which ones you like the best!




  1. the one with the green shirt and plaid bag is the cutest.

    but whats up with all the tie die?


  3. I like the Gold and Glamourous one!

  4. FIRST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. gold and glamourous!

  6. i like "i hope you like!" and "everyday the brown way"

    both are very cute and i'd wear them

  7. i like the green shirt and jeans one it wuz cute!! =)

  8. i like 1 and 11

  9. the "i love this one" and the "Everyday brown" one..i couldnt make a choice, those two were the best :]

  10. the i hope you like it one

  11. i like the i hope you lie it on and the glamorous one they are extremely cute..

  12. this one!

  13. only the ones with converse

    they are the shizz

    and dont get pink or printed converse!

    be original

    most people hate it when u get printed converse, it just screams "POSER"

    and that last outfit? yeah to much pink and theres to much peace sign stuff... preps have worn the poor peace sign out

    its so poser now

  14. the pale and pink and gold and glamorous.

  15. i like the brown theme one with the converse but not the jacket

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