
Which one of the Williams brothers do you think will win today?

by Guest57101  |  earlier

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Which one?




  1. The one on the left.

  2. im still laughing at the question, and im going to pose one of my own separately. anyone who answers this question has to accept its premise-- that the williams sisters are men.

  3. venus

  4. The coloured one,thats for sure you can put your money on it.

  5. so not funny!


  6. The one who's older.

  7. I'm just laughing at ur question...william sisters and venus won and Nadal will win...mark my word..

    peace out dude

  8. The planet one Mars or whatever

  9. JPR

  10. The one who reads this and realises, wow...this isn't remotely funny or clever.

  11. I never knew there were William brothers playing tennis but if you meant the William sisters I would say the it all depends on their first serves and the amount of errors they have.  I'm hoping that Venus would win only because she is an all around player, but her sister is really good to and can't count her out.  It kinda doesn't matter in the end cause the championship is going to be in the Williams house.  This will be an awesome match!!!

  12. Williams sisters?

    Wimbledon right?

  13. The one who injects steroids into his left arm rather than the right.

  14. I think your confused. It's the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena.

    Either that or your thinking of the Bryan brothers, Bob and Mike.

  15. who cares about women's tennis other than looking at their short skirt? I don't care.... they are same person aren't they??? If there is good looking female player in the final other than those black women I would support good looking woman. but...........

  16. your mom

  17. serena :)

  18. They shouldn't be playing tennis. They should be dancing in rap videos.

  19. Whatever Richard decrees.

  20. Sisters, and Venus. Was that mean spirited or an accident?

  21. Serena. She is more manly.

  22. Andy.

  23. Venus is the better man.

    Although watching it now Serena is playing some great tennis and has broken Venus' serve already.

  24. you are a small person

  25. there are william brothers too?

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