
Which one of the following books is the best choice?

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you're enlarging the library in your classroom of mobile infants.

a. a story in rhyme about a kitten who likes to play outside.

b. an illustrated book about how babies are born.

c. an alphabet book featuring real and imaginary animals.

d. a book about how children in different countries greet the day.




  1. well kids love stories so ill pick a

  2. c

  3. Yep, I agree attention in class and do your own homework!  You'll learn better that way.  But, I'm pretty sure this answer would be "A" because I've always learned that books that rhyme and flow together well or have a sort of beat to them are the best for really young children because they're most interesting to them.

  4. I'm going to have to say a.

    b is not appropriate, it oversteps your boundaries as a teacher.

    c would be fine if the animals were all real.  Imaginary animals is not the way to teach the alphabet.  

    d sounds a little advanced for mobile infants.

  5. it's A for a kid

  6. This is an issue where you're not doing the work, so it's going to (once again) be impossible for you to answer.

    A lot of this actually depends on your instructor, believe it or not.  "C" is a bad choice for many instructors because you have imaginary animals.  "D" might be a bad choice because there might be BETTER books geared towards those not talking.  "B" may be bad choice because it's too descriptive.  "A" might be a bad choice because they might feel it's more appropriate to connect with the children in "D" than it is for the child to connect to the animal.

    If you had gone to class and read the assignments, you'd better know how to answer this.


  7. i like a and c

  8. considering you're enlarging your library i would say d because you probably have many books about kittens, outside, alphabets, & real/imaginary animals.  I don't think a book about how babies are born is good though.

  9. i would say A

  10. As a child, I would've enjoyed the alphabet book the most...unless you already have oodles of those, then I'd spring for the kitten one. Teach them that playing outside is fun, since most aren't too far from video games...

  11. I would love to hear the first one (a).

    They all sound great but word of advice, not (b). Many parents will not approve and preschoolers arent ready.

  12. a. a story in rhyme about a kitten who likes to play outside.

    A rhyme is always the clincher!

  13. B could be overly descriptive - why explain to a baby where they came from? A. might be a good choice, as something in rhyme catches a child's attention. With infants, it's hard. I'd choose the book with the best illustrations. I think D. would be cute, but would that hold the child's attention? Go for a brightly illustrated short story. Why are you asking?

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