
Which one of the following statement is correct?

by Guest58130  |  earlier

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1. The structure changes keeping the content as constant.

2. The contents changes keeping the structure as constant.

Of 1 &2, which one is correct?




  1. 2

  2. 2 r correct for different things

  3. Wow! I say, both are incorrect!

  4. Their truth, falsehood and interpretation is contingent, not constant; they are empty variables related with abstract verbs 'changes' and 'keeping'. Their grammar appears to be correct. 'Constant' is used as an abstract adjective. They are propositions/prepositions of the possible.

  5. 2 is correct

  6. 2?

  7. 2.

  8. As per philosophy is concerned:

    The second statement, The Content changes keeping the structure as constant, is correct.

    As per English Language is concerned:

    The first statement,The structure changes keeping the content as constant, is correct.


  9. If allowed, I'd say neither. Any change in one will eventually cause a change in the other. Everything is about balance in one way or another and tipping the scales so that something isn't constant anymore will inevitably cause the system to reach equilibrium again. I would say changing the structure would most certainly change the content, and the structure is also dependent on the variable content.

    Then again if you're talking about a sentence, it is possible to change the structure and have the meaning (content) the same. But it has to be done correctly.

    The apple is red. or The apple reflects red light. means practically the same thing.

    Be careful though

    All pears are fruits doesn't mean all fruits are pears.

  10. Well, grammatically, neither is right.  Contents change, not changes.  And you need a comma after changes in number one.  If you want to know which is true, we would need some sort of context to be able to judge.

  11. trick question.

  12. 2

  13. neither are correct

    there are no constants

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