
Which one of the four caliphs is your fav ? abu-baker-ummar-othoman or Ali ?

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i already know s**+'s opinions, im not askin for them

but im askin Sunni's

i kinda love otthoman.




  1. Imam Ali (AS) of course.

    The reasons are pretty obvious.

    P.S: Just to clarify something, I don't hate the Sahaba or the Prophet's wives, as some keep trying to imply, they were Muslim and followed the Prophet.

    And another thing, I do not 'worship' Ali, that is shirk. I worship Allah (SWT) and ONLY Allah. Also, why would I say (RA) when Allah is already radyen min Ali?

    (AS) is not only for Prophets only, give one authentic hadeeth that says so.

    We don't hate the sahabah, but we don't like what they did. How many times did the Prophet have to say that Ali is his successor and still decided that they should choose one and disobey the Prophet and Allah?

    "I leave amongst you 2 weighty things; the Book of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt, and these 2 shall never separate from each other until they come to meet me at the Pool" (According to Imam Ahmed (Ibne Hambal) from 2 authentic sources in his Musnad Vol. V, p. 182 and p. 189. Also according to Tabrani in his Mu'jam elKabeer from Zain bin Sabit in Kanz elUmmal Vol. 1 p. 44. And according to Hakim in his Mustadrak, Part 3, p. 148 w/ the comment that this hadeeth is authentic according to the standard set by Sheikhs Muslim and Bukhari)

    "The Lord, Allah Almighty is my Master and I am the master of every true believe (and he took the hand of Ali and continued) He is the master of all those whose master i have been. O Allah, love those who love Ali and hate those who hate him... " (Related by Hakim from Zain bin Arqam on p.109 from his Mustadrak, part 3 w/ the comment that this tradition is authentic according to the standards set by the 2 Sheikhs Muslim and Bukhari. Zahabi has also recorded it in his Talkees as authentic).

    Muteer al Baaroodi, Ibn Jareer, Ibn Shafheen and Ibn Munhaf recored a tradition handed down from Zyad bin Matraf through Abu Ishaq which is as follows:

    "I heard Rasullulah say: Whoever wishes to live and die like me and enter that Heaven (after death) which my Rab has promised me, namely, the everlasting Heaven, should acknowledge Ali as his person after me, and after him he should acknowledge the sons of Ali, because they are the people who will never leave you outside the door of guidance nor will they let you enter the door of misguidance" (Kanz ulUmmal, Part 6, p. 155, tradition No 2578. Allama bin Hajar Asqalami has breifly recorded this in his "Isaba" in connection w/ the biography of Zayd w/ the comment that "This tradition comes through Yayha bin Ya'li al Moharibi and is therefore weak" However, Ibn Hajar's comment is surprising, because Yahya bin Ya'li has been unanmiously accepted as a reliable reporter of traditions. Imam Bukhari himself has recoreded several traditions from him in connection w/ the campaign of Hodaybiya, Imam Muslim has taken traditions from him in the chapter on "Punishments" in his Sahih. Allama Zahabi has said in his Meezan ul E'tidal that his reliability is an established fact and Allama Qaisarani and others count him among those reporters whom Muslim and Bukhari have taken as authentic).

    Narrated Ib 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle (s) said, "You will be resurrected (and assembled) bare-footed, naked and uncircumcised." The Prophet (AS) then recited the Divine Verse:

    "As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it: A promise We have undertaken. Truly we shall do it." (21:104)

    He added, "The first to be dressed will be Abraham. Then some of my companions will take to the right and to the left. I will say: 'My companions!' It will be said, 'They had been renegades since you left them.' I will then say what the Pious Slave Jesus, the son of Mary said: 'And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them; when You did not take me up , You were the Watcher over them, and You are a Witness to all things. If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, You, only You are the All-Mighty the All-Wise.'" (5:117:118)

    (Dahih Bukhari)

    Taqiyya doesn't include lying if it doesn't include saving your life, and I don't think you are going to follow me home and kill me, so why should I practice taqiyya? Get an education. The people practicing the "taqiyya" you are talking about are those Muslims who tell Non-Muslims that they hate Bin Laden but truly inside revere him (*ahem ahem* Shia's don't like Bin Laden - he's a Shia-hater like you).

    The Imams are infallible, just as the Prophets are.  If you've read the Qur'an you would know that (The Verse of Purification): "...And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the family, and to make you pure and spotless" (33:33).

    Hadeeth Al-Kisa2 (which is also in your hadeeth books):

    (It's too long, I'll just put a link to a website that I found it on:

    Once the Holy Prophet addressed the ppl saying: "Oh you ppl! Truly the Messenger of Allah and his children command a certain honor, dignity, respect and preference from you. So, do not be carried away by falsehood" (Abul Shaykh has included this in a lengthly tradition and Ibn Hajar has taken it from him and recorded it in Saqaiq e Mohriqa in his discussion of V.23, Ch. 42 of the Qur'an).

    And the Prophet said: "In every generation of my followers there are going to be just and righteous members of my Ahlul Bayt to counteract the alterations and corruptions which the misguided people will try to make in my religion, to remove the falst allegations of the untruthful and to contradict the misinterpretations of the ignorant. Beware! Your Imams shall be your representatives before Allah. So be careful whom you adopt as your representatives" (Recorded by "Mulla" (Jami) in his Seerat and also by Ibn Hajar in his Sawaiq e Mohriqa in connection w/ the interpretation of the verse "And stop them for they shall be questioned" (V. 24 Ch. 37 Qur'an)).

    "One day We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imams: those who are given their record in their right hand will read it (with pleasure), and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least." (Qur'an 17:71)

    Funny, it says "Imam" in the Qur'an... Gee I wonder where the Shias get that idea of having to follow the Imam of your time.

    Not only does the Prophet (AS) say that we need to follow his descendants, but the Qur'an does too! Amazing!

    Another hadeeth: "The Prophet (PBUH) said: O Ali! You are leader in this world and leader the world hereafter. Your friend is my friend and my friend is the friend of Allah and your enemy is my enemy and my enemy is the enemy of Allah. Woe to him who hates you after me" (Hakim has recorded in the behinning of pg 128 Vol. III of his "Mustadrak" and has stated it to be genuine according to the standard set by the 2 Skeikhs Muslim and Bukhari.

    Another Hadeeth:

    Allah’s Apostle set out for Tabuk. appointing ‘Ali as his deputy (in Medina). ‘Ali said, “Do you want to leave me with the children and women?” The Prophet said, “Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron (Harun) to Moses (Musa)? But there will be no prophet after me.”(Sahih Bukhari

    Volume 5, Book 59, Number 700).

    Ali was the successor of the Messenger o Allah over his (the Prophet's) followers and his vizier from among the members of his house and an associate in his mission. The succession was as a guardian/ruler/leader, not as a Prophet. He was superior to all who followed the Prophet and was nearer to him in life and in death than all others. Ali's position was similar to that of Harun's in all respects (except for Prophethood)

    Ya Ali Madad is haram, the people who recite it need to be educated.

    Before taking what others say, make sure they've actually gotten an Islamic education first...

    Regarding that the sahaba left Islam.. Well I don't recall any Shia hadeeths that say they worshipped anyone but Allah...

    Oh, and those 'sources' you used... you know those things you wrote don't make sense, and I for one have never heard of them as being 'authentic' as you claim. Maybe those are extremist beliefs, but they are definitely not 'Shia' beliefs. You know.. funny thing about extremists... They take things to the extreme!

  2. I love them all, but i love Omar's (RA) personality. He had a strong, firm, personality. He was judgemental, (all the caliphs were judgemental), and he loved the Prophet pbuh so much.  He had strong Iman, that even the Shaitan wouldnt come his way.

    I love all the Caliphs (RA). May Allah swt grant them Al-Firdaws... Ameen

  3. i love Abu Baker and Omar. Omar was one khool person man! he was so strong mashallah in both body strength and eemaan.

    i like Abu Baker for his politeness.

    and anyway the prophet loved these 2 the most cuz Ali (ra) says the prophet would leave with abu baker and omer and would enter with abu baker and omer.

  4. I love them all. And so should EVERY muslim.

    Shia's hate Abu Bakr and Umar because they are slightly in a higher position than Ali. haha

  5. Why do you love Uthman?

    Maybe due to his Nepotism?

  6. say (RA)  to them

    they are all great Sahaba

    as a Muslim i love them All

    Abu Baker(RA)




    and other sahabas also

    @ Shias above and below me

    didn't you read the Question ?

    we know you are worshiping Ali(RA) not (AS) because in Islam (AS) is only for prophets ! and this is show that you think Ali(RA) is prophet thanks for proving that !

    we know also that you hate other sahbas and wives of the prophet

    he asked Muslims not shias !

    @ below me you don't hate them ?!!

    well i can't judge you now you could be right (as some muslims drink alcohol and do thing not in Islam so you could be doing things not in shiaism like not hating enemies of alubayt  according to shiaism )!

    and you could be lying(Taqqiay)

    now one knows

    but in your religion shiaism you must hate them

    believing in imamah = hate their enemies  and who is the enemies of Imams in shiaism religion ?

    all sahabas and wives of the prophet except 3 !

    and as for worshiping tell me what imam means in shiaism ?

    they believe he is infallible !!!

    he is more superior than prophets and angels !!

    he know he gonna die !!

    and they pray to him   (YA ALI MADAD) !!

    instead of Allah !

    and about (AS)  i think it's used only for Prophets in Islam

    i don't understand what you said about Allah ?

    all sahaba's and wives of the prophet we use (RA) to them !

    except if you think Ali(RA) IS Prophet !!


    here is a Quote from a shia guy in shia forum when some asked them can i respect sahaba and wives of the prophet !


    "But you really cannot love ahlul bayt and their enemies at the same time. It is just not possible. "


    and if you want me to bring from shiaism religion major books what they believe on sahaba i don't mind  editing ....

    The Creed of s**+'a from Their Own Sources

    Sahaabah (companions)

    1.) They say all Sahabah (R.A) companions except 3 left Islaam after demise of Nabi .

    2.) They say Abu Bakr(R.A) Umar(R.A) and Uthmaan (R.A) robbed Ali(R.A) of his position of being Khalif.

    3.) They say Umar(R.A) was a 'Original Kaafir' and 'Zindiq'-renegrade.

    4.) "Abu Huraira (R.A) was one of the fuquaha, but god knows what judement he falsified for Muaw'iyya and others like him, and what damage He inflicted upon Islaam."

    5.) They say Abu Huraira (R.A) used to fabricate Ahadith.

    6.) They say Muawiyya (R.A) poisoined Hassan(R.A).

    7.) They say Muawiya (R.A) was a tyrant opressive ruler.

    8.) They say Qazi Shurray (R.A) used to issue judicial pronouncement in favour of the ruling party. He was a sinful wretch occupying position of Judge.

    9.) One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Harid, Umm-al-Hakam.

    10.)One should curse the above after each prayer.

    11.) Pharoah and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Umar.


    (1.) Anwaar - No'maan Niyyah - P245. Vol 2. Nimatullah Jafaari./ Furu Kafi, Kitaabul Raudah :15 - Mullah Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini Vol 3 P115/ Usul -e-Kafi Vol 2, P 246 Rijaal Kashsi P504. (2.) Al- Ihtijaaj - Tibrasi 83, 84./Haqqul Yaqeen, P 157. (3.) Haqqul Yaqeen , 551/Kashful Asraar P119. (4.) P 143 - Islam goverment. (5.) Islaamic Goverment (6.) Al-Anwaar un Nomaniyyah - Vol 2. P88-87 Jazaari.(7.) Ibid. (8.) P81, Isl/ gov. (9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol. 2 P519/ Furru Kaafi P342 Vol 3/ Jilaa - ul- Uyoom -P45 - 46/ Hayaatul Quluub P 375. (10.) Ainul Hayaa P559. (11.) Haqqul Yaqeen P342.

    to be continued

    14.) Abu Bakr and Umar are Kaafirs

    15.) Abu Bakr is calf on Bani Israel.

    16.) What did the Zuleikha of Makkah, Bibi Ayesha have, that the 50 year old Nabi got moved to her.

    17.) Nabi accepted (in marriage) an uncouth person such as Hafsa. Not withsatanding the fact that she was a widow and facially deformed.

    18.) Imaan refers to Ameerul- Mu'mineen- Alli Kufr refers to Abu Bakr fisq(weakness) refers To Umar isyaan(disobedient) Uthmaan in Surah Hujuraat.

    19.) Umar is an illegeitimate child.

    20.) Abu Bakr and Umar are worse than Shaithaan and they are dwellers of Jahannam.

    21.) "When I entre Makkah and Madinah as the conqueror, my first duty will be to go to the grave of Huzoor and exhume the bodies of the two idols."

    22.)"We shia's know the three Sahabah's(Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan) as being void of Imaan"


    (14.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P552. (15.) Haqqul Yaqeen - Tafseer Qummi P160.(16.) Haqeeat Fiqh Hanafi P64 /Ghulaam Hussain Naqui.(17.) Ibid P124.(18.) Usul-e- Kafi P229. Vol 2.(19.) Tazkiratul Aimma - P103-4.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P509 - 510.(21.) Kitaab be Noujawanaan - P8.( 22.) Tajalliyaar-e-Sadaqaat - P201- Muhammed Hussain Dhelvi.

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