
Which one of the four ego functions do you use & what are your signs?

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There are four ego functions, which are: thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition. Which one do you think you use the most & what are your sun, moon, and rising signs?..........Mental activity: Thinking~ is obvious you use your head more & use more logic & seem more detached..... Feeling~ deals with using your heart more & judging by what seems good or not & you use more emotions & sympathaize......Conscious: Senation~ is physical & precieved through your senses to experience it......Intuition~ is not physical, but a gut feeling you have & you get inspiration from this........which of the four do you use more & your 3 signs. Could you say why or how much you use the fuction you pick as well. Thank you! :D ;D :D




  1. Hmmm, I would say it would be tied with Thinking and Intuition....I pretty much live in my mind, but I rarely ever think things out before I do things, I really do go with my gut when it comes to actions.




  2. I'm a Leo..I never knew there were 4 ego functions! XD

    Well my moon is in Sag and my rising is Aquarius.

    I use the feeling,sensation and intuition.I never knew that when you think you have like an 'ego thinking' or somethin..

    If you could just explain this question better...?

    Sometimes when needed I use some logic,but I mostly go with my heart and I think you can call these intuitions.I do care a lot about people and if I would have a friend in trouble then I will save him instead of me.

    Is this what you mean?

    I gave it my best shot... :/

  3. good question for aquariuses. lol, i use all but more thinking

  4. Hi Jo..

    I can honestly say I use all four ego functions equally...not that I'm being selfish or being too broad...I have four planets that are Fire, Earth, Water, and Air in prominent positions.. I can say that it can relate to Thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition.

    Leo Rising- (Intuition) This 25% of my ego is what motivates me. It is ususally inspired by others who I admired. They could family members, friends, celebrities, or even strangers. It is often thought of in my head as, if they can do it I can do it is one of my key motivational factors.

    Taurus Sun- (Sensation)-  Taurus and Sensation in the same sentence? wow..Physical and preceived thorugh your senses to experience it? I love to touch and feels things....and experienced it in my own how to explain it.

    Cancer Moon- (Feeling)- Most of my decisions comes from my heart and emotions...I am very deep with emotions, thoughts, and feelings...I guess you can say that this is the sensitive side of me... hopefully, my heart is good and pure enough to make the right decisions for myself and others around me..sometimes it can be very evil...o_O

    Aquarius Mars- (Thinking)- Finally, I always tried to use logical thinkings and have a philosophical mind set...Always tried to think for the greater good and to make society a better place..this is my intellectual side of me...and having it in Aquarius, it will often come at you from unexpected is unpredictable....Some of my ideas are very original and rebellious....and sometimes it could be way out of line.

  5. i use thinking and feeling more

    rising sign-cap.

    sun sign-virgo

    moon sign-taurus

  6. My top4:

    1. feeling


    3. intuition


    Sun: Pisces

    Moon: Aries

    rising : Sag

  7. I would say that I use more Thinking/Intuition more than anything else. I think a lot. That is a problem cause sometimes I over think things. I like to say I follow my intuition equally. If I have a strong feeling about it I usually go with it even if the person has no idea why. I use theses functions all the time.

    Sun: Virgo (thinking/nit-picking)

    Moon: Libra (Feeling/need to please)

    Mars: Cancer (Sensation/ Helps me get alongside things physically)

    I think that all of my chart helps me with the intuition part. They each hold a piece of inspiration.

  8. I use them all. There's many instances where one is to be used rather than the other. And "feeling" can very easily become "physical", and "intuition" can easily become "feeling". Say for example, if I'm talking to a person, you know how there's dynamics in people talking to each other, I'll be going of intelligence - thinking and talking and communicating, at the same time I'll observe the dynamics, and at the same time I will simply react, and follow what to discuss. I'm aware of physical space, but then again I'll walk down the street and see a bit of rubbish and I'll ignore it and then I'm like no pick it up, so that's kind of gut feeling. Not really my conscious, but I'm kind of programmed to just "do" things, and I feel it instantly. And I follow my heart, because I learnt my head isn't too clever, and if you follow your heart, you'll have know you've tried your best. And follow your heart when telling stories! It's okay to be clever, but to write because it feels write, to write emotionally, everything. And the sensation of being enveloped by beautiful creations - all the beauty in the world. For me, these four are in a big whirlwind, where one becomes more prominent at times. It's kind of nice that way, because you can always see or experience something in another light.

    Taurus sun mercury

    Aries rising

    Cancer moon venus mars

  9. I deffinitly use feeling more, i am always feeling some emotion and relating to people and things. I have stronge feelings as to what is good and what is bad and i stick by them and they all stem from my eperiences. Secondly i would use intuition, i mostly do things because i am inspired to do so and i loook up to many people for inspiration.

    sun cancer

    moon scorpio

    rising aquarius

  10. Taurus here and I would have to say Sensation but feeling comes close...

  11. I use an even amount of thinking, feeling, and intuition. I have a lot of air in my chart, so I definitely find myself thinking a lot, but my second dominant element is water, and I find that after thinking something through, I always end up following my heart when evaluating something. I go with that gut feeling, and rely on my intuition when dealing with people and situations. While I am not one to get emotional over issues that I am not involved with, or are out of my control, when it comes to certain situations, I am rarely detached, and often become quite emotionally involved, especially when I care about something.

    Sun and Rising: Libra

    Moon: Cancer

  12. libra and rising,cap moon.

    i live in my thinking world but i always listen to my intuition if i need a pointer; its a 2 way thing though, sometimes i get inspired without expecting it.

  13. Gemini and definitely feelings the most. but thinking a close second. I've got a scorpio rising with pluto on the ascendant which makes me extremely deep and emotional, and I tend to make decisions based on if I'd be happy or not, slightly more then logic. At the same time, I think all the time, and never stop thinking, and i live in my head.

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