
Which one of these WWE superstars below has the most g-forces to the mat on their signature move?

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The Great Khali

The Big Show




  1. Dave Batista with both his Sidewalk Slam and Batista Bomb.

    The Great Khali had a Khali Bomb, which I haven't seen in a long time, but that was another powerful move.

    Kane can do a Chokeslam with authority and has a Tombstone Piledriver that we haven't seen in a long time.

    The Big Show has a Great Choke Slam and Suplexes that I haven't seen him use in a long time.  

  2. The Batista Bomb is by far the strongest and has the most force.  

  3. Batista likes Italian Hoagies

    Kane likes Buffalo Chicken Hoagies

    Khali likes 3 foot long Hoagies

    Big Show likes every hoagie in the world at one time

  4. Batista

  5. You might have to explain this to some people because of all the high schoolers here, but I would say that Batista is, because he really just lauches them down with the batista bomb and they seem to accelerate the most.

  6. Batista Bomb

  7. I reckon the Batista Bomb would have the biggest impact. Between Show/Khali and Kane they are a chokeslam whether with one hand (Kane and Show) or two hands from Khali. As for the Batista Bomb there is the force of Batista's body slamming you down to the floor combined with your own body weight so I reckon that would do the trick.

    Out of the other 3 though I would say Big Shows chokeslam is the hardest as he gets em up high and he seems to really slam them to the floor hard as if he's putting his weight behind it.

  8. i would say batistas batista bomb. its basically a power bomb and that hurts more than all the other signature moves.

    kanes signature move was the tombstone but he never does it anymore 4 some reason.

    khali is just a chop 2 the head and the claw.

    big show is the show stopped choke slam which is pretty fast and hard, but nowhere close 2 a powerbomb.

  9. Batista bomb (well that's my guess)

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