
Which one of these facts do you think is phony?

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A: Jim Thorpe's Indian name was "Swift-Running Deer."

B: Monkeys have no feet

C: A typical ant has five noses.

D: In Australia, sanitation engineers are called "Garbos."

E: Montgomery Ward's first catalog consisted of one page.

*Be the first to guess the correct one.*




  1. monkeys have no feet  

  2. way...

  3. all of the above?

  4. I dunno.  I'm just a dumb blonde that dyed my hair pink!

  5. I guess D

  6. E

  7. Technically, monkeys do have feet. They just have extended digits so they look a lot like hands. But if I had to guess one other than that, it would be C.

  8. D

  9. B

  10. C

  11. A!!

  12. I'm WAYYYY too late but the answer is A his name was something i don't remember and meant bright path or something, im too late :'(

  13. C. Ants don't have noses

  14. Hmm. I'm not sure. But I know one fact that isn't're cute :-)

    Edit:  Pssht. Fine. No strawberry pancakes for you :-P

  15. B and A

  16. C: A typical ant has five noses.

  17. C.

  18. They actually all sound kinda sketchy to me. A man probably wouldn't run fast enough to get named after a deer, I'm sure monkeys do have feet (unless those count as hands because the thumbs are usable or whatever), ants I'm sure have one nose (unless all the whiskers are counted as noses), and I have no idea who Montgomery Ward is so that one is irrelevant to me. If I heard any of those 'facts,' I would doubt them.  

  19. If they are all "fact" as you say they are, then none of them can be phony.  A fact is a true statement.  

  20. monkeys do have feet.

  21. D is a phony

    a big fat phony!

  22. E - a 1 page catalog should be called a leaflet

  23. I think A is false. I think his Indian name has to do with a path or trail.

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